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Safety Recall 22S27

I went by my local ford dealership, to check and see if all the explorers on the lot were missing the bolt, sure enough all of them were missing it. I noticed a couple with a build date as recently as of 4/1.
All 2.3 models have the 1 bolt in the rear, it was early 3.0L models the had the 2 bolt rear , then were moved to the same 2.3L 1 bolt sub frame. This recall likely only encompasses the V6 models. The bolt can not just be added it is a new subframe, not a cheap or quick task.

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Perhaps I can hire out towing the RV and I'll follow behind just in case.....

at this point, I may start looking at other vehicles, I'm not getting the vehicle that I paid for. I added the tow option, not sure if that makes a difference at all
The 2.3L does not carry the same amount of power as the 400HP 3.0L , there has been no bolt breaks on any of the 2.3L that I seen only the 3.0L

at this point, I may start looking at other vehicles, I'm not getting the vehicle that I paid for. I added the tow option, not sure if that makes a difference at all
Mine also has the tow option. I have always added this for rare yard trailer type towing or bike racks etc. I don't know if the Explorer does this, but other vehicles with a factory tow package include an additional or larger transmission cooler. I typically run vehicles from 200-300,000 miles (380000 on our last Tahoe and 219000 on my current 2013 Explorer) so I'll take any advantage I can.


The 2.3L does not carry the same amount of power as the 400HP 3.0L , there has been no bolt breaks on any of the 2.3L that I seen only the 3.0L
But still.... poor design when they could have made them all the same. I wouldn't think it would have been that much more $$. Looking at the pics of the two subframes, they both have the space for two bolts.

Explorer.subframe.3.0Lrear.jpeg One bolt Explorer Axle.jpeg

But still.... poor design when they could have made them all the same. I wouldn't think it would have been that much more $$. Looking at the pics of the two subframes, they both have the space for two bolts.

View attachment 428894 View attachment 428895
Were you able to enter your VIN in Ford Pass to check for the recall? Today it is showing my VIN as invalid even though it is saved in Ford Pass. Go figure.

But still.... poor design when they could have made them all the same. I wouldn't think it would have been that much more $$. Looking at the pics of the two subframes, they both have the space for two bolts.

View attachment 428894 View attachment 428895
In a way yes, but the bushing as you can see is not there...there are different part numbers for the sub frames. If you want the 2 bolt rear sub you have to order that part. Can not just throw in a bolt. The 2.3L we likely suffer no downside from this...even towing. It is the 415Ft Torque causing a twist and over time is breaking the bolt. The 3.0L has over 100 more FT Torque than the 2.3L and is quicker at applying the power due to the nature of a V6 and the twin turbos.

here is a picture of the sub frame for the extra bolt.

Subframe (2).png

All 2.3 models have the 1 bolt in the rear, it was early 3.0L models the had the 2 bolt rear , then were moved to the same 2.3L 1 bolt sub frame. This recall likely only encompasses the V6 models. The bolt can not just be added it is a new subframe, not a cheap or quick task.
My 2.3 L on my 2020 Limited is involved in the recall it’s also notated in oasis And Ford pass app

Found this Listing a remedy. If correct no de-tuning but applying the parking brake.


Were you able to enter your VIN in Ford Pass to check for the recall? Today it is showing my VIN as invalid even though it is saved in Ford Pass. Go figure.
No, I was not. Still shows invalid. Hmmmm, wonder what Ford is up to? Cancel all the VINs and the problem no longer exists! 😉🤨

My 2.3 L on my 2020 Limited is involved in the recall it’s also notated in oasis And Ford pass app
Its a advanced recall at the moment will go out to anyone with explorer I was told.....until the official goes out we will have to wait to see what's affected.

Found this Listing a remedy. If correct no de-tuning but applying the parking brake.

View attachment 428897
And it still does not fix the issue for the rest of us. What a ridiculous way to avoid a physical fix. So, after the software update and if the bolt fractures and the car moves while in Park, having the parking brake engaged will solve everything. 🤔
I see something about reimbursement for owner remedies. Perhaps I need to get that part from Whoosh Parts.

Found this Listing a remedy. If correct no de-tuning but applying the parking brake.

View attachment 428897
Not sure how this affects the bolt breaking other than after breaks prevents the vehicle from rolling. Its going to break while driving.....very odd fix if that's it.

Your dealer does not know what they are talking about, You can not just add a bolt you have to change the subframe. The 2.3L all had the 3 bolt (1 Rear bolt) sub frame. There is no official fix other than the documented posted about the PCM program.
That's what I thought. It feels like them trying to save as many sales and move vehicles at the end of the month to me. I'm going to ask exactly what parts are needed.


And it still does not fix the issue for the rest of us. What a ridiculous way to avoid a physical fix. So, after the software update and if the bolt fractures and the car moves while in Park, having the parking brake engaged will solve everything. 🤔 guess is this solves the safety issue after it breaks prevents the vehicle from rolling and they will just fix all the broken vehicles if they ever break. I seen some members on the ST forum swap theirs out, it was about 4K for them to have it done. Odds are Ford doesn't want to eat the much cost at the moment.

No, I was not. Still shows invalid. Hmmmm, wonder what Ford is up to? Cancel all the VINs and the problem no longer exists! 😉🤨
One way to make it go away. :banghead:

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I found this on the ST forum. Also seen it a couple minutes ago on Facebook.
I guess it appears they are avoiding the real problem likely do to cost to correct.
