Show off your LIFTED 1 Gen | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Show off your LIFTED 1 Gen

Ive been looking and its hard to find the 90-94 explorer's with lift kits, so i decided to made a thread were everyone can link or post pics of there EX, and or mod's, i am working on a soa right now.


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First, you can't do a TT on yours because you don't have torsion bars. Secondly, off the top of my head there are at least three other threads with exactly what your looking for. If you search, you'll find the threads a lot quicker than people will post in this one. ;)

there is a showoff your lifted explorer thread already

it is not very hard at all to find the pics of lifted first gens...... the search button will yield results... and as stated before there are tons of posts exactly like this

Seriously, the showoff your lifted truck thread is chock full of lifted 1st gens. They're everywhere.

Photo gallery has alot of pics in it too.....

well, i guess i just have a hard time finding them when i use the search button, maybe i am not wording things right, go ahead and delete this thread then, i didnt mean tt, just rear shackle's, i just finished the lift, it looks sweet, ill post pics tomarrow

Here ya go!


here is mine :eek:)


yeah i saw that, i count liked 12 outta 27 page's, so i started my own, why is everyone on my case???

jrgaylor some awsome wheels you got on your trailer there!

Does this qualify as lifted?


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Thats what i am talking about, these are some sweet looking 1 gen's, THANK YOU GUYS, i am gonna try to post up some mudding pictures ,this weekend :thumbsup:


Brandons said:
jrgaylor some awsome wheels you got on your trailer there!

What else do you do with brand new tires that have no resale value, I should have got 36's right from the get

95offroadx- I remember when my X was straight


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i went and order f150 coil seats for the 1.5" lift , i hope that will level it out, they will be on by next weekend (hopefully)

He means he remembers when the body was straight, as in not dented.

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Well I have a lifted and a lowered... Check my web link below...
