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show off your LIFTED truck - photo thread

yeah, so i wanted to separate men from mice and see your LIFTED explorer.
(yes, i´m gonna steal ideas for my soon to be x)
also this thread could be really cool for everyone else who´s into jacked up trucks.

keep 'em coming!

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I'll show off first...

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Its sorda an Ex!!!!!!! hahahaha...mostly Explorer 88 BII, these are the before's....on X mas break the 33's, fiberglass, rear springs, and on board air are going in.......

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You have to cut and paste...

Not a huge lift but....







Rob Shade, I have a question about how high your lights sit off your roof, Cause Im getting a roof rack with lights on it, and I want to know if I will still be able to fit in the garage, so If you could do me a huge favor, could you measure like from your roof to the top of the lights, like the middle ones, and the outer ones, so I can see how much room I have to play with..it would help me out a bunch..thanks alot..


I don't have a tape measure here at school, but I might be able to give you some estimates. If I go under one of those parking garages with the 7' ceilings, I am okay. Anything under 7' however is too low and the top lights touch. So I would guess around 7' or so. I'll have to measure when I head home for the holidays.

only five people in the states that got lift?!?

thanks to you guys who posted, though :)

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Originally posted by dan swedish man
only five people in the states that got lift?!?

thanks to you guys who posted, though :)
There are literally hundreds of members here that have lifted Explorers. Most have posted pics of their trucks in many places on this website. The best thing you can do is check out member's homepages, signatures, and registrys. Sometimes peolple don't feel the need to post pics everytime a member asks for pics, they have posted them plenty of times before. If you search for "lift pics", I am sure you will find a bunch of pics.


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Not quite finished, but getting ever so much closer...and farther from the ground hehehehe


  • 33s.jpg
    62.2 KB · Views: 59,556

Here's a pic i took of my truck today.

and another


Here's a pic of my baby



How come I cant post full size pics from my msn group?



  • dcp_0005.jpg
    74.1 KB · Views: 34,993

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Taken on Golden Crack in Moab, UT.
