Sister wants a wheelin rig. Any ideas? | Page 5 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Sister wants a wheelin rig. Any ideas?

Yeah no spark when dead. Is that aka a TFI module?

Nope, a TFI module is different i'm pretty sure it is on the back of the engine. Those are known to go out too however lol. Lots of tiny ignition problems with the 5.8s great motor otherwise though.

EDIT: Autozone sells the TFI module for something like 30-40 bucks i think, were a direct Ford replacement is well over 100. And the autozone works just as well.

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Cool, thanks

Cool, thanks

No problem. Heres what the ICM looks like
I mighta been wrong about the TFI being on the engine i think its above my ICM.

Cool, where under the hood is that located?

So yeah, not totally sure if you have an ICM of not, sounds like you do.. from what i've read its basically the same engine setup as the Lightning. That being said i'd check the spark at different spots to see where it stops at. I'd say dizzy first, then go for the TFI.

EDIT: It's located on the driver side fender up by the firewall, REALLY hard to see i had to stand by the bumper and lean in to get a decent pic, when i've changed it out i wasn't able to see what i was doin...
