Sister wants a wheelin rig. Any ideas? | Page 4 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Sister wants a wheelin rig. Any ideas?

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That's what I said! But, after driving a few even lifted she said she is in love...

It's just too bad that SAS 95 that's for sale on here is so far away. There is just too many mountain passes to cross and with the 4wd not working it would be a bear...

my passenger seat is empty! she could ride shotgun in mine! lol

Are you actually trying to sell, or just throwing it out there in case she is interested?

Well, having owned 17 or 18 vehicles in the 15 years I've been driving I don't get too attached to them, sooo...I guess It's for sale.

I'll start a thread.

And, I'll meet you in Sacramento. :)

Well, having owned 17 or 18 vehicles in the 15 years I've been driving I don't get too attached to them, sooo...I guess It's for sale.

Didn't you say you regretted selling the other one when the guy drove off with it? Wish i had the money...

SAS the van and wheel that then?

Okay, walked away with the Bronco for $2300! WOW! This thing is smoooooooth. Not a problem with it. All the records check out as well as the only two OLDER owners. Runs and drives like new, no joke. Pics will be up soon, as well as pics of it growing up into a trail ready rig! It's kinda a shame's so pretty right now.

So the Bronco only runs when it wants to...It just died without warning in the middle of the road! Then it will start sometimes, run for a minute, then a click from under the hood and nothing. Not cool.

What kinda of 5.8 is in it? Does it have an ICM? I know the PIP sensor in the distributors and the Stator are known to go out.

Runs and drives like new, no joke.

So the Bronco only runs when it wants to...It just died without warning in the middle of the road! Then it will start sometimes, run for a minute, then a click from under the hood and nothing. Not cool.

Bummer dude... :thumbdwn:

It's FI with the sensor on the distributer. Not sure what a PIP is??

It's FI with the sensor on the distributer. Not sure what a PIP is??

Its a sensor inside the distributor, i'd shoot for that first, Reman is a hit or miss product, i've heard alot of people have problems with theres but then others don't. I bought one from advanced auto and it was bad.

I can't remember if it was a Lightning only thing or not, but the ICMs are prone to failure, like out of no where die, i keep a spare in the truck.

But first i'd do the usual, check for spark and fuel when it won't start... My guess is on spark.

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Yeah no spark when dead. Is that aka a TFI module?
