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stuck in 4wd


New Member
November 16, 2010
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Hi all,hello,

I have a 99 explorer that is locked in 4wd

im a decent mechanic and have never needed to take a vehicle to a shop, but this has me baffled

it has a borg warner 44-05 xfer case, auto, 4 hi , 4 lo selector switch in cab NO LOCKING HUBS.

its not the elec motor on back of case, I replaced that and manually shifted to all 3 positions, for some reason the "auto" function keeps me in 4wd, so many sensors, lack of info, i cant figure it out...hope its just a bad xfer case, but cant be sure

any ideas on whats going on, or rough estimate to diagnose the problem?

stuck on what to do, dont want to spend hundreds on troubleshooting for a vehicle not really worth much, but if its just a speed sensor or something and not xfer case

anyways please reply when you can,

any help is much appreciated



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On my 98 Explorer sometimes if I switch it out of auto and into either 4hi or 4low it gets stuck in that position and wont go back into auto. To fix it all I have to do is simply disconnect the battery and then reconnect it with the 4wd in auto position. Then it goes back to auto like normal.

ok, so i tried the brown wire trick.....disconnected, and still locked in 4wd, so can i safety assume thats its FOR SURE my xfer case thats bad?

I also checked for power at the brown wire, and had no power to it while the case is in 4wd

am i right on this?

let me know thanks


Your problem might need some major mechanic attention, but I had the same problem with my wife's 1500 Silvarado. What I had to do was put it in neutral and let it roll back. I heard and felt to loud pops and it was disengaged. This might help but once again that was a Chevy.

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