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Sync 3.4 (build version) & Diagnostic Screen


New Member
December 13, 2019
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City, State
Louisville, KY
Year, Model & Trim Level
2020 Explorer ST
Hello all, nice to informally meet.

After scrolling through multiple threads last night, I'd appreciate some clarity on a few topics. Up until last night, I thought I was pretty tech savvy (lol) but I'm still soooo confused.

Although I'm enjoying my 2020 Explorer ST, the technology is proving to be very underwhelming. I'm hoping a few quick fixes will change my perception...

FYI, 10.1 screen

1. Sync 3.4 build: @UofMEngineer eluded to three different versions. QUESTION, how exactly do I determine which version I have (19101, 19200 or 19274)? After plugging away on the "Ford Owner" app (aka FordPass), I'm still unsure where to locate the build version

2. Diagnostic Screen: Is there a way to access the "back end" of Sync 3.4? Without getting into the weeds, I'm very dissatisfied with the portrait layout and daily headaches of the system and hoping to remedy the situation (if possible). I've owned BMW's in the past and paid for "remote coding" to enable/disable factory settings and hoping to perform a similar task (if available with Ford).

3. Mobile Apps VS CarPlay: I love the features of CarPlay but it's borderline the worst interface I've ever experienced. Has anyone found an adapter or usb connection that "tricks the system"? AKA- sends a signal to the system to engage CarPlay without actually having a wire attached?

4. CarPlay w/ Spotify: My onscreen Spotify playlists won't load more than 15-20 songs per list. Although all tracks can be played (when on shuffle), I can't physically view the entire tracklist on the screen.

Thanks in advance all!

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1. Sync 3.4 build: @UofMEngineer eluded to three different versions. QUESTION, how exactly do I determine which version I have (19101, 19200 or 19274)? After plugging away on the "Ford Owner" app (aka Ford Pass), I'm still unsure where to locate the build version

2. Diagnostic Screen: Is there away to access the "back end" of Sync 3.4? Without getting into the weeds, I'm very dissatisfied with the portrait layout and daily headaches of the system, and hoping to remedy the situation (if possible). I've owned BMW's in the past and paid for "remote coding" to enable/disable factory settings and hoping to perform a similar task (if available with Ford).

3. Mobile Apps VS CarPlay: I love the features of CarPlay but it's borderline the worst interface I've ever experienced. Has anyone found an adapter or usb connection that "tricks the system"? AKA- sends a signal to the system to engage CarPlay without actually having a wire attached?

4. CarPlay w/ Spotify: My onscreen Spotify playlists won't load more then 15-20 songs per list. Although all tracks can be played (when on shuffle), I can't physically view the entire track list on the screen.

Thanks in advance all!

1. Settings -> General -> About SYNC will show the software version, e.g. 3.4.19101.
2. There's not really much you can do from diag screen.

Welcome to the Forum Blacked_Out_ST. :wave:
The portrait layout has been discussed in other threads. Apparently there is nothing to be done with it, currently.


1. Settings -> General -> About SYNC will show the software version, e.g. 3.4.19101.
2. There's not really much you can do from diag screen.
Thank you. I just followed your instructions and determined I have 19101. Would it be beneficial for me to visit the dealer to get the latest update or is this fairly similar to the latest rollout?

Thank you. I just followed your instructions and determined I have 19101. Would it be beneficial for me to visit the dealer to get the latest update or is this fairly similar to the latest rollout?
Have you checked your Owner's Account to see if any updates are available for you to download?


Have you checked your Owner's Account to see if any updates are available for you to download?

Peter, this is one of the things that has somewhat stumped me. When you guys refer to the owners account, what website, app and/or platform are you referring to? FordPass?

Peter, this is one of the things that has somewhat stumped me. When you guys refer to the owners account, what website, app and/or platform are you referring to? FordPass?

Thank you. I just followed your instructions and determined I have 19101. Would it be beneficial for me to visit the dealer to get the latest update or is this fairly similar to the latest rollout?

If it were my car, I would update when possible. Currently, the updates are dealer provided only. Should be free. The owner available update via USB/OTA is a few months out still.

Has anyone been able to determine what the difference is between the three variants?
19101, 19200 or 19274

Has anyone been able to determine what the difference is between the three variants?
19101, 19200 or 19274
On my Lincoln I went from 19101 to 19274 and dont see any differences. Im told most changes are fonts etc

I had a message that my software had been updated in my Aviator while at the pool yesterday. It is Sync 3.4. That is about as seamless as it gets.

Yea I got notice of update as well but nothing changed! I had shot of software screen before and after and nothing changed!

Mine shows V3.4 build 19200 as of Jan. 26th. Did not find any updates waiting in my account.


Mine shows V3.4 build 19200 as of Jan. 26th. Did not find any updates waiting in my account.

This is what was updated on my 2020 Aviator at the Dealer. Today I got a notice about a update on "lincoln Way" app. But absolutely nothing changed all the builds etc are exactly the same as when I came back from the dealer 2 months ago.


19274 is mainly bug fixes. Should notice quicker responses from the Sync interface. Some language update slight map updates. I currently have have 3.4 build 20021. I went to the dealer and pretty much told them i know there are updates out there and don't know why i can't get it. It just so happened that my sync was throwing error codes from GPS, to incorrect voltage responses.That seemed to fixed my issues.

Mine shows V3.4 build 19200 as of Jan. 26th. Did not find any updates waiting in my account.

you wont, please read my post of "Meeting with Lincoln Engs today". for now you have to get updated at the dealer
