Thinking of getting a cheap dash cam, any advice or opinions welcome | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Thinking of getting a cheap dash cam, any advice or opinions welcome


Elite Ranger
Staff member
Elite Explorer
July 14, 1999
Reaction score
City, State
Omao, Kauai
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 Ranger XLT 4X4
Like the title says! I don't want or need an expensive one, under $100, or even under $50 should be good enough for me. I see them on Amazon in that range, but I don't know enough to know what to look for, or look out for. Help?

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Are the drivers on Kaui that bad that you actually need one?:eek:

Bought one on ebay for myself, and my wife. they came to about 30 bucks each. Threw a 20gb micro sd card in them, and wired them to the acc line off my stereo. My only suggestion is, get the one thats powered by the cap instead of the battery. 2 years and my battery is toast. No biggey but if it were a cap it would still have about 20 seconds of recording before shut down. I have some kick ass videos, thats for sure. None involving me yet.

Read this:

And this:

Buy here:

or on Amazon, but BE SURE you are buying from Spytec on amazon, there are LOTS of counterfeits out there!

I would NOT buy on ebay or shady websites based on price.

Most of the good stuff is out of stock and backordered due to the holidays.

Pick out what you want now and buy when back in stock.

I'd highly suggest the G1W from Spytec, either the cheaper $50 battery version or the slightly more expensive $60 capacitor version for the hotter climate, unless one of the other brands/styles seems more to your liking.

G1W is the one we run. Must have lucked out on our Ebay purchase as the night quality is quite good. I can make out a license plate at half a block away with uncompressed video.

Are the drivers on Kaui that bad that you actually need one?:eek:
Heh, not sure why I want one, and not sure I'll get one, but I like the idea of having one. Drivers here are no worse than they were in SoCal, more or less.

Anime, GREAT links, great info, exactly what I needed!
Tech, thanks for your input!
