Tires for 01 Sport? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Tires for 01 Sport?


June 14, 2011
Reaction score
City, State
Indianapolis, In
Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 Explorer Sport
Need some tire recommendations for my Sport 4x4. It's got TT and add-a-leafs. I'm looking for tires that would have respectable off-road performance. It's not a daily driver, but it is still driven primarily on pavement. Suggestions?? I think the current Goodyears are 255 70R16 but would like to step up a notch in size if I can. Thanks

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just a few ideas

(dead links)

Sorry need my password for american tire and you guys cant have it.

They look really agressive, but arent at all noisy on the pavement. They handle great in all weather conditions and wear surprisingly well for such an agressive tire. Off road the handle most obstacles better than my mud tires did.

I was going to post them too but i forgot for you guys to see em you need my password. there's another set of good years too look at. my brother used them on his Jeep until he had money for swampers. Walmart sells a lot of them

go up to a 265 75 16...

hey blueka how much larger are 265 75 16
mine are 255 70 16
will i need to trim my tupperware?
where in sk are you?

Nope, you won't need to trim, that's the biggest you can run with no lift etc.. .so they'll be fine, they're about a 31" tire...

I'm just outside of Saskatoon... :)


I'm a big fan of the General Grabber AT2s on my 01 Sport. I do pretty modest trail riding, but they've crossed ponds, climbed rocky hillsides and handled deeper mud than I ever imagined. And they give me a pretty good ride while I'm getting there.

Moving to Goodyear Duratracs when I jump up in size, but I can't say a bad word about the Grabbers.

thanks blueka
im looking at duratracks
put new shocks all around and rear leaf helpers to get me back to normal height 34" from ground to bottom of tupperware
i ll get a bit of lift from larger tires
im in regina

holy mother of god blueka
i just read your 23 page registry on pickle

Yeah... she's come a long way... haha...

My UK Ex runs 265 75 16s and I run 285 75 16s on Pickle..


Yeah... she's come a long way... haha...

My UK Ex runs 265 75 16s and I run 285 75 16s on Pickle..

id say wow how long did it take you
my boss just put 285/75/16 dura tracs on his dura max
they dont appear to be that much larger than mine
what would i have to do to fit them/
and how do you get pics up

i run 285 75 16 on my sport a little trimming up front but running ranchos in the front with a tt and sensatrac load adjusters in the rear with a 4 dr leaf pack and a long aal

I have a 3" bodylift, shackles, TT and 4dr leafs on mine... they occasionally catch the plastic. but, not very often...


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I dont have a link on hand and not sure if you are able to get your hands on some BFGoodrich Tires, but their Mud Terrain KM2's have been extremely impressive to me. Mud has not been an issue, but the daily driving and wear on them has been very nice. When it rains, i still have loads of traction. i will be testing the snow in a month when i go up for a snow trip with my buddy and his yota. They are not loud on the highway, though you can hear them over an all-terrain tire. Either way, I have enjoyed the Toyo MT's when i had those and these BFG KM2's, Both have performed beyond my expectations.
