Tractor trailer attempts Shafer Trail in Moab... FAIL! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Tractor trailer attempts Shafer Trail in Moab... FAIL!


Pumpkin Pilot
Staff member
Elite Explorer
February 8, 1999
Reaction score
City, State
Wayoutin, Aridzona
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 XL '20 ST

The towing bill is going to be unimaginable. LOL

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Not even a flatbed. Eesh.

So when gps even kinda looks wrong, maps work great. If the driver didn't have one he should get a ticket for that.

I’d guess he’s got tickets and walking papers in his future.

Is there a backstory on this? looks like he dropped his trailer to head down the trail without it and got stuck returning to his trailer. The way he is hanging off the edge, it looks like a multi point turn gone wrong, went back too far and lost traction. Rear axle looks to be almost free hanging.

From the Moab Times:
The National Park Service (NPS) is shedding some light on the semi-tractor and trailer that got stuck on Shafer Trail in Canyonlands National Park on Friday, Sept. 1 — and according to the park’s chief ranger, Scott Brown, the errant driver’s reliance on GPS resulted in the truck blocking visitor access for a number of hours.

According to Brown, the truck was operated by Bright Freight Solution of Stockton, Calif., and was headed from the west coast to the Intrepid Potash facility for a pick-up. The driver of the truck, which was empty when it turned onto Shafer Trail, claimed that his GPS unit instructed him to take the route on U.S. Highway 313 that led to Shafer Trail and then down to the potash facility.

That route, as it turns out, was not the best way to go.

The driver, who managed to detach his tractor from the trailer and venture down the trail before getting his rear axle stuck over the edge of a cliff, eventually called for help and, after an assessment by NPS rangers and Moab-based Nations Towing, the vehicle was turned around and backed up, clearing the trail for use.

The driver, who NPS officials declined to name, was not issued a citation in relation to the incident.

I bet that driver was using a regular GPS and not a truck GPS. There is a big difference in the two types. The photo is confusing if he bobtailed and got stuck why is his tractor facing towards going to the trailer? Even if he lost traction on one set of tandems, it wouldn't spin him around.

I bet that driver was using a regular GPS and not a truck GPS. There is a big difference in the two types. The photo is confusing if he bobtailed and got stuck why is his tractor facing towards going to the trailer? Even if he lost traction on one set of tandems, it wouldn't spin him around.

The guy just kept making one bad decision after another.

Even the guys in the RV forums know not to use a regular GPS for a big trailer.
