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U joint question


October 10, 2022
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1997 Ford Explorer XLT V6
Hi everyone. I have a 97 ford explorer 4wd v6 4.0 OHV. I need to replace all the u joints but I am confused as to how many ujoints I need to order. I tried doing research and some say two some say three. One in the front and two in the back. Is that correct? And what size ujoints do I need to order? Found a whole bunch of different ones on Amazon and they all say they fit on my car. 10th letter of my vin is V if that matters. Thank you.

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It will be a minimum of 4 and if your drive shaft has a double cardan joint it will be 5. Best thing is to look at the shafts to get the correct number and if you're not sure, posting a few pictures would help us determine.

It will be a minimum of 4 and if your drive shaft has a double cardan joint it will be 5. Best thing is to look at the shafts to get the correct number and if you're not sure, posting a few pictures would help us determine.
Thank you! You’re the best, man!

1310 u joints have been my experience from the few I've worked on.

It will be a minimum of 4 and if your drive shaft has a double cardan joint it will be 5. Best thing is to look at the shafts to get the correct number and if you're not sure, posting a few pictures would help us determine.
Another question, are all 4 or 5 of them different size? Or are they all the same? I’ve been seeing different sizes from 2xx to 3xx on Amazon and they all say they fit. What’s the best way to approach this?

1310 u joints have been my experience from the few I've worked on.
Ok thank you. Sorry for asking the same question, didn’t see you response regarding the size right away.

Ok thank you. Sorry for asking the same question, didn’t see you response regarding the size right away.
2xx series are axle shaft u joints, typically for a front axle. Are you replacing those too? I just assumed the drive shafts.

2xx series are axle shaft u joints, typically for a front axle. Are you replacing those too? I just assumed the drive shafts.
No I’m just doing the driveshaft. I figured 1310 is the size for spicer brand ujoints, I wasn’t able to find a single moog brand that had that size. They’re all in 2xx and 3xx unless all I’m looking at is axle ujoints lol

Amazon is good, when I replaced all the u joints on my 99 Grand Cherokee I found the best deal on E Bay. A complete set in a lunch bag for $50

Amazon is good, when I replaced all the u joints on my 99 Grand Cherokee I found the best deal on E Bay. A complete set in a lunch bag for $50
So should I trust Amazon when it says that it’s compatible with my car? And should I get two of each then? Two for front and two for rear? Or 5 total if it’s a double cardan?

If you are not the original owner, I'd recommend looking at the shafts. I'll post a picture of what the double cardan looks like. Not all explorers had them.


If you are not the original owner, I'd recommend looking at the shafts. I'll post a picture of what the double cardan looks like. Not all explorers had them.

View attachment 444758
Yeah I’m not the original owner. I was still going in my pants when my car was assembled lmao

Amazon is good, when I replaced all the u joints on my 99 Grand Cherokee I found the best deal on E Bay. A complete set in a lunch bag for $50
Awww.... Another Ford AND WJ owner on this site....

Yeah I’m not the original owner. I was still going in my pants when my car was assembled lmao
I found this extremely amusing. Thanks for the laugh
