Unable to controle where the air is blowing from | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Unable to controle where the air is blowing from


Well-Known Member
February 9, 2008
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City, State
Noblesville, IN
Year, Model & Trim Level
2004 XLT Sport 4.6L V8
I have a problem with my 04 Explorer. I am not able to contro the Vent doors and subsequently l where the air is blowing from. One morning I had it on defrost and changed to A/C (dash vents). There was binding noise, then a pop followed by what sounded like some pieces of plastic breaking loose. Now air it's stuck somewhere between defrost and dash vents. The amount of air blowing seems less that it used. Turning the knob does nothing to change the location of air flow through the vents. I thought it was the blend door, but temp is just fine. Any thoughts as to the part I need to order? Can I follow the actuator blend door instructions to get close to where this part is located?


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I had a similar symptom in that all I had was air blowing from defrost - none from the dash vents. After removing the glove box I could see the problem. In my case there was a lever that needed to be actuated (moved) to send air to the dash vents. This lever was visible to the left side of the glove box (right side of radio) inside the dash area. Well, the plastic had broken so it was being moved any more. I rigged up a connection and now it functions. The point is that I thought maybe it was the multifunction switch but it wasn't. Be sure you know what the cause of the problem is before you go buying parts.

Good luck!

I have a problem with my 04 Explorer. I am not able to contro the Vent doors and subsequently l where the air is blowing from. One morning I had it on defrost and changed to A/C (dash vents). There was binding noise, then a pop followed by what sounded like some pieces of plastic breaking loose. Now air it's stuck somewhere between defrost and dash vents. The amount of air blowing seems less that it used. Turning the knob does nothing to change the location of air flow through the vents. I thought it was the blend door, but temp is just fine. Any thoughts as to the part I need to order? Can I follow the actuator blend door instructions to get close to where this part is located?


You could have a broken "air recirculation door" since you mentioned the air speed from the blower fan seems to have lessened. The air recirc door falls to the bottom of the air box that sits above the blower motor/fan and will block the flow of air to most dash vents. The air recirc door panel is approx 5 in High x 11 in Long and kind of flat. It's a very common problem, happened to me and I removed the air recirc door and now my air flow is great again. The air box is behind the glove box, go thru there to remove the air recirc door. Below is a link with photos to do this repair written by "Curtis". You only need to remove 4 screws (2 on the left side and 2 on the right side) to split open the air box. Do not remove the blower motor, not needed to do to do this repair. Open the air box from the right end of it, this end opens the farthest and you should be able to see the air recirc door laying flat inside or use your fingers to feel for it, it shouldn't be there. Try and pull the air recirc door panel out by the 5 inch narrow end using needle nose pliers, might have to turn it sideways to do this. Might have to fight with it to get it out, but it will come out. Once this door is removed, you will lose "Max AC" coldness, but still have AC, just not as frosty cold. Remember, this "may be" your problem, some of your description has the symptoms of it. Good luck.


Looks like I have both problems mentioned by thammel and exproblems. The recirc door duct was broken and laying on top of the blower. I have temporarily removed it based on other postings here on the forum.

Also the plastic on the actuator mentioned by thammel broke. There's nothing for the actuator to connect to so it doesn't work. What's this part called? Any suggestions on how to fix this?

Thanks for the help.

Looks like I have both problems mentioned by thammel and exproblems. The recirc door duct was broken and laying on top of the blower. I have temporarily removed it based on other postings here on the forum.

Also the plastic on the actuator mentioned by thammel broke. There's nothing for the actuator to connect to so it doesn't work. What's this part called? Any suggestions on how to fix this?

Thanks for the help.

Your welcome on the air recirc door issue! What "plastic" to the "Actuator" are you referring to that is broken? Do you mean a plastic part on the back side of the far right control knob, that controls the dash vents for AC or Heat/Defroster settings? As far I know, the dashboard vents run off of engine vacuum, but not sure how they connect to the back side of this control knob. I'm sure someone else in here knows more about this than me.


Your welcome on the air recirc door issue! What "plastic" to the "Actuator" are you referring to that is broken? Do you mean a plastic part on the back side of the far right control knob, that controls the dash vents for AC or Heat/Defroster settings? As far I know, the dashboard vents run off of engine vacuum, but not sure how they connect to the back side of this control knob. I'm sure someone else in here knows more about this than me.

Here's what I'm talking about.

Yours looks to be in better shape than mine was. Mine broke off along the flat part. Half of the plastic was missing. Happened some time in the last week and I fixed it this morning.
You might be able to drill a hole and place a bolt to connect it to the actuator.
I was able to drill a hole and connect them using a zip tie. Not the best fix, but it works.

There are a couple different ways of fixing this: First, take it to stealership or a repair shop and give them ~$1000 (no joke):eek:, or rig it up yourself somehow. I'm about to do the second one on mine. Here are a cpl other threads with the same thing.
If I am successful i will try to post a write-up :thumbsup:

Were you ever successful in rigging the connection back up? What did you use? The piece of plastic on my 05 broke about halfway below the the U shape and I am in the same situation.
