Wanderer's Caged FW SAS | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Wanderer's Caged FW SAS

EDIT for spec's
current sofar 1-11-07
exocage done by www.bbpfab.com -Pottsy is an awsome dude..and a great friend..

SAS (solid axle swap)
hd Low pinion D44 (8lug 1 ton)converted to coils and radius arms.
sterling 10.25 moved spring pearches...(prolly gonna movem outboard later)

current setup
4.0L V6-exausted..worn out..
A4LD-still surviving..dunno why..double tranny coolers help.
Stubler..5 3/4in double reduction t-case custom made by www.4-x-fab.com serial # XFAB-01
1354 stock electric shift transfer case
TTB d35 with prototyped application from www.aussielocker.com (those guys worked with me to find an off the shelf unit that would fit the ford TTB35's..currently now offered..and my install linked from their main site)
8.8 with aluminum IFS cover and whooped/worn out L/S
35x12.50x15 TSL swampers..
VIVAIR OBA compressor from Chubby at www.4wheelparts.com PARMA OHIO store.
OBA storage via scuba tank
superlift super-runner steering
rancho 5000 shocks.
6in skyjacker 2 lift. front
added leafs and 1.5in LIFT shackles from WARRIOR (also Chubby at 4wp) re-drilled to stock length..
rocklights that get busted off all the time.
interior lights for wheelin with the kid.
and my pride of the truck..
DANCIN HULA GIRL..shakin her money maker down every trail!!

hacked all the lift and axles out..
rebuilt the HD44 bearings/ball and U-joints (upgrade to spicer 760's Via Cowboy from COWBOY'S MUDRUN at Heath,OH NAPA store)
moved sterling's pearche in about 2in each side..and 3/4in thick Ubolts from S&S spring Mt.Perry,OH..(those guys are great!)
custom crossmember.
custom axlemounts
6in EB coils (softer spring for better ride/flex)
Craiger 15x7 8 on 6.5 rims to keep my 15's
custom beadlocks from www.DIY4X.com

building radius arms currently..ran out of mig wire..

older posts...will try to get most of the info transfered to here...main thread here..

I got a bug in my butt and decided to prep the rear axle for the explorer...(after busting the 3rd driveshaft..)

so I spent 2hrs chopin off the old shock mounts and spring perches...and rewelding the perches for the explorer spring width..now to get the porta-ban from work to start removing the extra webing from the bottom of the sterling..:)

busted shaft.

todays work..



I got more done today..brought the porta ban home from work and trimmed the fat off the axles...also got all the old brackets off the 44..

now its time for some BJ's (ball-joints :wiggle to ) and universal joints..then onto brackets welded on the front..then arms...

its commin...

what it looked like before..(well..actually its one of the other sterlings I have..but same thing)


after trimmin the fat..








WHOOT!!...Cowboy is givin me the hookup...OEM balljoints AND spicer upgrage 760 joints...AND gettin HIS price from the local spring shop for U-bolts (they want $50 at the parts stores for 4 freakin u-bolts!!)...

friday it should be ready....(well had to get the u-joints shipped in...so I'll gather it all the same day)...

time to go home and pull some axles!!!

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welp..the new engine crosmember is hangin in the paintbooth at work drying..::D

what else to build today...hmmm......:cool:

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build me a tranny X member :D

build me a tranny X member :D

sure...send me the measurements..and some ideas of how you want it done...$75 and shipping...

heres yer pix dang...



got the locker in the front..and I decided I wanted to use the EB coils I've got..so I cut the buckets off..and gotta make an adjustable plate so I can get the ride height just where I want it...

engine crossmember is made and in..gonna modify the rear axle cover..and put a drain and fill plug in it..

(yea I know..its all dusty...I'll wash it sometime this week..or at least spray it off..)


oh..and heres the BLING diff cover...(I thought it was a can of grey spraypaint..turned out getto chrome..)

mocked up some adjustable coil buckets the other day..built them this week.....and got the passenger side spring bucket in today...its perfect...8+in of down adjustment..everything lines up perfect!!

oh..and I decided to makem artsy/dangerouse...the tires will NEVER get close enough to get caught on them..so its all good..



now to hack the driverside bucket off...I might have to modify the otherone because of a bumpout in the frame...but its really close..so I might just fudge it and leave it..

AHah those edges are FANCY! :D I guess spark plug changes are going to require a pair of these:


AHah those edges are FANCY! :D I guess spark plug changes are going to require a pair of these:


I've already got a set of those in my bondage gear...JUST KIDDING...

the plugs are still accessable just fine over the top..but it should keep people from stickin their hands in there...(not that I've ever had someone attempt to molest my coil springs...but ya cant be too careful...)

Those coil towers have more edges than Willem Dafoe. Sweet. :thumbsup: :D

well...I've got a seepin brakeline...and need to mount tabs to secure the brakelines at the shocks...and to add friction modifyer to the rear axle...and fix the one middle pillar on the exo cage...buy the tierod ends and get the steering in..

BUT...I got it out..and flex tested it....unbeleivable..I need a bigger rock in the yard...when Im flexin the rear..the driver front it totaly compressed...but the pass side is about 1in from max..

when Im flexing the front the rear has about 2in before the pass side is at full compression..and the driver side is about 2in from max droop..











Sweet!! Can't wait to see it in person hopefully this summer. I'll take you up on the offer too. :D

howd you put that drain plug in? my 10.25 could use one.....any closer pics?

howd you put that drain plug in? my 10.25 could use one.....any closer pics?

its just a fill plug...(I always pull the cover when I do changes to check for pieces of metal and get the housing clean for new fluid)...I just welded a nut on the inside of the cover in an area that had clearance for it..then drilled through the center and put a bolt in it..(can trimmed the bolt so it didnt go further in than the nut)..it actually took me LONGER to find a decent sized bolt and nut in my bolt bins than it did to weld it and drill it..:D

I still have to finnish fillin it (ran out of fluid)...I'll get some pix when I top it off...:thumbsup:

did the f-350 master bolt up or did you have to mod anything? pics?...detailed.

did the f-350 master bolt up or did you have to mod anything? pics?...detailed.

it just bolted right upp...I had to change the fittings from stock explorer to match the f350...I MIGHT need to lenghten the pushrod a litte (just unscrew it)...but it seems to work fine..

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Looks like it's comin' together:thumbsup:

Is that F-350 master any shorter than the stock Explorer master? I really need the extra room even if it's only an inch or so shorter because my shock mount is to close for comfort:rolleyes:
