What controls overdrive lock up? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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What controls overdrive lock up?


Elite Explorer
September 2, 2018
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2000 ford explorer 94 xlt
So long story short I had 5r55e in a 2000 ltd that the torque converter lock up no longer worked and in term caused major damage. Now my parents 94 aerostar is having the same problem with the torque converter lock up not working and causing problems. My question is also what controls that? VB? I'm also guessing it's just in need of a torque converter.

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There's a solenoid in the transmission for lock up. A 94 is easy to convert to a manual transmission...

There's a solenoid in the transmission for lock up. A 94 is easy to convert to a manual transmission...
Yeah I've mentioned it a couple times but trying to find parts and m5od-r1 for it. I think he just wants to keep the automatic in it. So nothing to do with the valve body damn okay.

Yeah I've mentioned it a couple times but trying to find parts and m5od-r1 for it. I think he just wants to keep the automatic in it. So nothing to do with the valve body damn okay.
The valve body handles gears 1-3. 4th and lock up each have a solenoid. The circuit is hot to the solenoid and the ecm grounds to complete the circuit to activate.

I can understand just wanting to fix it as is, I tried that on a van I had and after the parking pawl broke twice then the A4LD failing on me 50 miles from home while working. I threw the auto trans away and got a M5OD from a ranger.

The computer controls 4th gear as well as TCC lock up. Sometimes the computer doesn't provide the correct output because of the information which the sensors are providing. It won't go into these settings if the coolant sensor says that it's too cold, the TPS has bad gaps or if the MAF sensor is dirty. Are you getting a check engine light? Have you checked the bulkhead connector on the transmission for bent pins or corrosion? Check the solenoids with an Ohmmeter through the bulkhead connector.

The computer controls 4th gear as well as TCC lock up. Sometimes the computer doesn't provide the correct output because of the information which the sensors are providing. It won't go into these settings if the coolant sensor says that it's too cold, the TPS has bad gaps or if the MAF sensor is dirty. Are you getting a check engine light? Have you checked the bulkhead connector on the transmission for bent pins or corrosion? Check the solenoids with an Ohmmeter through the bulkhead connector.
Basically sometimes we have a check engine honestly haven't driven it just because of how bad the transmission fluid looked and how bad it was slipping when we drove it. But since we took on run last. I know for one thing the maf sensor is dirty cause of just the condition of the engine bay. Does obd1 save check engine codes?

Basically sometimes we have a check engine honestly haven't driven it just because of how bad the transmission fluid looked and how bad it was slipping when we drove it. But since we took on run last. I know for one thing the maf sensor is dirty cause of just the condition of the engine bay. Does obd1 save check engine codes?
Define slipping?

Define slipping?
Honestly it's not even pre say slipping it shutters when you push it to hard? Like almost oh your going to fast. Cause it was still able to down shift and pass people but then again it has been. A couple months ago since we drove it.

BrooklynBay has good advice. You can check for codes with a paperclip at the test port.

Yes obd1 has codes-can be checked w paper
Clip or with obd1 code scanner
Basically you will count the flashes of the cel light

The tcc solenoid controls the converter lock up, the pcm controls the solenoid based on feedback from sensors

You can also wire it up so you control the converter lock up, maybe good just for testing?

