What explorer looks best? | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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What explorer looks best?

What color does your favorite type of explorer look best in?

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forgot to comment this also...

that LIME GREEN explorer looks sick !! buried in the MUD !!!!!!

very bold choice !! i like it alot

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I vote cayman green.

Special mention to lime though... That takes a good amount of intestinal fortitude:D


  • 2008-09-19 005.JPG
    2008-09-19 005.JPG
    71.3 KB · Views: 2,511

Maybe its just a Mom thing but I kinda like this color! I had a black one though.

I would KILL for my exact truck in lime green! For now... calipers and tow hooks are about as close as I can get. I may go for the trailer hitch next though!




My 97 Limited is mint booger and it might look better with black windows and rims but.......black is my fav and that is what it is going to be painted.

Btw, that explorer with the ATV mufflers looks awesome! (other then the ATV mufflers) what lift is on that truck?

wven though mine was black, id say white bc it dosnt show trail scraches as much

Had a 98 eddie black with tan accents and dark factory tint on the glass.Classiest looking truck I ever owned.

I wish mine was black.....not the stupid willow green or whatever it is. Only reason why I might sell it one day lol

I like mine. Couldn't tell you what the color is called- grey in the sun, bluish in the shade, scratches down the doors and covered in mud. The color doesn't matter as long as it gets dirty and occationally a bit of mud flings off on a Lexus.


this is my step dads plum crazy purple 94 limited with alittle mud


but im more of a fan of yellow not a stock color but still pretty cool lol

I would KILL for my exact truck in lime green! For now... calipers and tow hooks are about as close as I can get. I may go for the trailer hitch next though!




my buddy has a 94 sport that he painted his calipers and drums and i think he even painted his knuckles that lime green

i protest on the grounds that camouflage was omitted from the poll!

for stock colors black all the way

The nicest looking street Explorers have got to be Saleen XP8's. And then the Eddie Baurer's.

Black or Wedgewood Blue`01 Sport is about the best looking combo..


black is always best

OK I also gotta go for white with tan trim cause this is mine:D

I prefer black but it's such a pain to keep clean, love/hate relationship!

I'm partial to White with Black trim

My explorer is light blue on top and dark on the bottom. Does anyone else have a multi-color one besides grey on top and color on bottom?

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Mines black.

Truth be told , most any car looks good in black. Except for obviously ugly cars that can't be helped by paint color.
