What hose is this? 06 XLT | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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What hose is this? 06 XLT


October 20, 2019
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2006 Explorer 4.0 V6
I am trying to identify the hose that is missing the clip, keeps popping off causing stalls. 06 XLT 6cyl



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If you mean the hose coming off the corner of the intake, that connects to the PCV valve that is in the back side of the valve cover.

The one
If you mean the hose coming off the corner of the intake, that connects to the PCV valve that is in the back side of the valve cover.
The one in pic 2, it's supposed to have a plastic clip/ring to keep it in place and that is gone and it keeps slipping off causing a vacuum leak and then it stalls

Yes, that’s the Pcv hose. It is supposed to have a clip like you said that keeps it secured to the intake. I had to buy one at one point and went the used route as the hose was over $100 new from Ford.

See this thread which shows a diagram of the Pcv hose


For a temp fix until you find the part, I would wrap a piece of wire around the separated piece back to the rubber hose going to the intake in pic #1 as close to the intake as you can get to hold it together.

Anyone know the OEM part # at all? Trying to pin one down is proving difficult without knowing what exact part I'm looking for?

Anyone know the OEM part # at all? Trying to pin one down is proving difficult without knowing what exact part I'm looking for?
While I don't, if you have a decent Ford parts counter guy, show him your photo and he should be able to get it if they still make it.

I couldn't find the full part number, but a partial one on the ford parts website. It's item # 6A664 in the engine schematic diagram at the below link for the PCV valve.



I don’t think those particular hoses will work. Here’s another link to a page on the forum where you can see the entire hose from someone that went through replacing the valve. You can see that one end of the hose has that special clip at the top where it connects to the intake. The other end connects directly to the pcv with a small metal hose clamp. Similar to heater hoses. I am thinking ford must have discontinued it as it’s no longer shown as an available part on fordparts. I only saw that schematic when referencing the pcv valve. Maybe they can get you something that would work though.

