What kind of door foam? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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What kind of door foam?


Well-Known Member
July 8, 2012
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City, State
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Year, Model & Trim Level
1998 Explorer XLT
Whats the best kind of door foam out there, other than that stock crap? My stock foam/sound deadener whatever it is came loose so i pulled it all out, and now i want some sound deadening in my doors, so i can hear the bass more and not so much road noise. I also plan on sound deadining the whole truck also, so what do you guys recommend?

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ive used dynamat xtreme with good results... pretty easy to apply it once you get used to it. its not foam though but its pretty easy to work with.. just cut out with scissors razor or knife, peel and then seal!
I have no experience with foam so i can not help you there.

Lots of ads on ebay.

I wonder if we could get a group buy for some deadener...

If we could get enough people interested I would be more than happy to call them and see if we could get some sort of group buy
