what size wheels and tire will fit ? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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what size wheels and tire will fit ?


July 27, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
taylorsville, nc
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 explorer sport 4x4
Anybody know the biggest size wheel and tire that i can fit on a 97 ford explorer sport 4x4 ( without rubbing ) thats had 2" lift from tt and shackles and also had 3" body lift (5" altogether) . . . . . . ????????? Please help im going soon to look around ?:salute:

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33x12.50 R15. tires
15x8 wheels
btw what is your diff. gearing?

stock . . .will i need to change that to run bigger wheels and tires and could i not go wider on the wheels if i wanted to ?

stock . . .will i need to change that to run bigger wheels and tires and could i not go wider on the wheels if i wanted to ?

You could fit 35's with some serious trimming and bumper relocation. The problem you run into, even with the 33's is the stock gearing will strain, with 35's I think you would run into some serious problems with stock gears.

Edit: correct that, you will still probably have rubbing issues with trimming and 35's on only 5inches of lift. ideally you need another 2 inches. you may also need to do some trimming to squeeze 33's in.

BTW: http://www.explorerforum.com/forums/showthread.php?t=67200

for 33's it depends on what gearing you have. The explorers came with 3.27, 3.55, 3.73, and 4.10 gears.
for 33's you should have at least 4.10 gears but I have heard some get away with 3.73 but really hate it. If you have to change out your gears to run 33's then consider 4.56 gears as a lot of people seem to prefer those in the case that you eventually want to run 35's.

here is the code chart for the gearing. you can find your code on the sticker on the inside of your driver door.


33x12.50 R15. tires
15x8 wheels
btw what is your diff. gearing?

not necessarily.

depending on the ACTUAL diameter and width of the tire, a 33x12.5 may rub.

my worn 33x12.5 BFG AT's didn't rub.
my new 33x12.5 Interco TrXus STS rubbed like mad, and even after trimming, I still need to trim some more.
