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Dana: 44 or 60


April 14, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
Sylmar, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'95 XLT
I have made it through looking up all the info for both 44 and 60. I plan to swap out to either (both front and rear) Dana 44 or Dana 60. However, I want some options. Do you guys think?

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Well, we need some info first. What kind of wheeling do you plan to do? What size tires do you want to run? If it's hard wheeling on tires 38 and above, I say Dana 60.

j602 said:
Well, we need some info first. What kind of wheeling do you plan to do? What size tires do you want to run? If it's hard wheeling on tires 38 and above, I say Dana 60.
Wheeling: Trail rig, anything I can get my tires on and over.
Tires: 35+
Here's the deal though. California limits the lift of a truck due to the weight of the vehicle. If I take off the 8.8" in the back, and add two Dana 60 axles that will be half a ton in my favor of get a better lift. However, my X is V-6 4.0L (little power), so that means a lot of enginnering. From what I have pulled up on the two axles here are some of the dis- and advantages of both: (I had found a TON :eek: of information on TRS )
Dana 44:
Availability of axle: Plentiful
Availability of replacement parts: Plentiful
Strength of axle: Mediocre, weak spider gears, u-joints, ring and pinion

Dana 60:
Availability of axle: Plentiful, a little bit less than Dana 44
Availability of replacement parts: Plentiful
Strength of axle: The driver-side carrier bearing was known to spin on the carrier and this often spun the race, which can damage the housing (Which I am still trying to understand)

Pretty simple.

If your gonna run up to a 37" tire, a 44 will be okay (depending on what type of D44 it is). If you're going 38" or bigger, you need the 60. You can get away with about a 38" max on a 44 if you run chromo shafts and CTM ujoints.

Basically, there are too many variables to flat out tell you what front to run. It just depends.

Price of front 60 in CA: A LOT!

Does CA really weigh your vehicle to determine what class you fall into? Most states just go by sticker weight.

I don't think you need 60s. Asking if you need 60s is usually the first indicator that you don't need them. :D

Robb said:
Price of front 60 in CA: A LOT!

Does CA really weigh your vehicle to determine what class you fall into? Most states just go by sticker weight.

I don't think you need 60s. Asking if you need 60s is usually the first indicator that you don't need them. :D
I thought it was by weight, I definitely don't know. Most likely by sticker weight.
I thought 60's might be OVERKILL, but I thought hell why not. :confused:

Either is an upgrade. I'd slap an HP d44 under it, 60 or 9" the rear and call it good. The cost of a d60 front is MUCH higher than a d44. You could buy a built up d44 front for close to what a plain jane d60 would cost.

ricklorion said:
Do you guys think?

I try not to, it doesn't do me any good. :D

jasonb said:
Either is an upgrade. I'd slap an HP d44 under it, 60 or 9" the rear and call it good. The cost of a d60 front is MUCH higher than a d44. You could buy a built up d44 front for close to what a plain jane d60 would cost.
I am going to go with the D44.
I just "tried" to find some stuff here in CA and wow. #1: Cost too much #2: Very hard to find
Thanks guys!

AspenX said:
I try not to, it doesn't do me any good. :D
Me either, because when I do I pull out my hair thinking about what to do to my X. :confused:
