What's your favorite color of Explorer? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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What's your favorite color of Explorer?


Elite Explorer
March 23, 2021
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City, State
Eau Claire WI
Year, Model & Trim Level
1998 Explorer XLT4x4 SOHC
All generations, Too many colors for me to list, please state yours!

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Toreador Red is beautiful. My least liked is Dark Toreador Red, which is on the bottom of my Mountaineer.

I have plans to change both when I paint my project truck to kind of match that. I found some candy concentrate from ALSA, called Blood Red. It's a paint you can mix in a clear(mid coat clear) to paint anything, but it's also great to mix with any other base colors to alter them etc. So I'm going to use Toreador Red as a base, with most of the pearl removed(1 gallon takes almost three bottles of pearl($100+ a bottle)), and add a little of the Blood Red to it, with some gold pearl which jumps out more than regular pearl.

I want to find something to replace the bottom color, I need something very dark, but without the weird purple/brown hue in it.

I liked most of the two toned paint colors, Ford had begun using much better colors again in the early 90's.

For a dark blue to love and use for a paint job, check out Dark Midnight Sapphire Blue Metallic. I might put that on my Ranchero. It was one of three blue colors in 2017 for Lincoln, but they replaced it two years later, and kept the other dark blue, and ugly looks purple shade.

my choice would be oxford white cause im too lazy to clean dust and every single scratch 😛

that being said my favorite might be that green on them 1st gens... wa it called cayman green?

my choice would be oxford white cause im too lazy to clean dust and every single scratch 😛

that being said my favorite might be that green on them 1st gens... wa it called cayman green?

How about the Pearl White from the 2nd gen's? That's what I have on my 98 Limited, the color hides more dirt than regular whites.

My old 93 Limited was Dark Tourmaline Pearl, and that was a popular color for many 90's Fords. I put that on my 99 Limited when I reconstructed it.

How about the Pearl White from the 2nd gen's? That's what I have on my 98 Limited, the color hides more dirt than regular whites.

My old 93 Limited was Dark Tourmaline Pearl, and that was a popular color for many 90's Fords. I put that on my 99 Limited when I reconstructed it.
oh yes those are good too! forgot about it, dont rrally see many white 2Gs roubd here eveything is red or blue or that champagne color 😂 all good colors!!!! i always forget about the pearls though!

Toreador Red is beautiful. My least liked is Dark Toreador Red, which is on the bottom of my Mountaineer.

I have plans to change both when I paint my project truck to kind of match that. I found some candy concentrate from ALSA, called Blood Red. It's a paint you can mix in a clear(mid coat clear) to paint anything, but it's also great to mix with any other base colors to alter them etc. So I'm going to use Toreador Red as a base, with most of the pearl removed(1 gallon takes almost three bottles of pearl($100+ a bottle)), and add a little of the Blood Red to it, with some gold pearl which jumps out more than regular pearl.

I want to find something to replace the bottom color, I need something very dark, but without the weird purple/brown hue in it.
Red with gold pearl, love to see it when it's done! None of the Explorers I've seen around here are white. Never saw the pearl white. Just love the green (Pacific Green?) on my Ex, but looking for a 2nd color possibly for the lower section and perhaps the flare part of the wheel wells, like an Eddie Bauer possibly. Ruled out black (boring) but open to suggestions!

Thanks, I'm going to try it first on my Mark VII project. The dark red of the late 80's(midnight currant red) was great too, and I've had it on three Mark VII's now. It has a little purple hue at night under fluorescent lights. I've got a spare trunk lid to play with the paint a little, adjust the percentage of Blood Red and the pearls too.

Swore decades ago I'd never own a white vehicle, but I never owned one. Bought a low mileage mint condition Oxford White Sport Trac in 2009 and never looked back. Very easy to keep clean, hides small scratches, and noticeably cooler in direct sun. Only complaint is I can't see wax. LOL

I will NEVER own a gloss black vehicle again. Had a gorgeous 1979 Ranchero with at least ten coats of factory black, but needed daily dusting. Required washing and careful drying to prevent swirling anytime it rained. Black never again. Hold me to it.

Very nice, and I have a similar camera as that one, I have pics of my first LSC in 1996 with it. That's tough there in Hawaii, buying and selling cars I'm sure. Look for a white 72 Gran Torino Sport there, he's on the Torino forum and has last year got it rewired and running well. I have some NOS rear wheelwell trim for that 77-79 Ranchero, I got them thinking they would work on the earlier models.

Don, funny you mention a 1972 Gran Torino Sport. Was my moms and the first vehicle I was driving almost daily to high school when she didn't need it. Beautiful green with a landau top, but all show. Had a lethargic 400 CI V8 with fake hood scoop and was choked with emissions. Made the mistake of accepting a race against a Hemi Cuda with five teenagers inside and embarrassed myself. A joke of a "race". After that I bought a used 1970 Ranchero GT with a 351C that turned out to be my favorite car ever. Only thing I would change today is the bench to bucket seats. IIRC, camera was a Pentax point and shoot with 10x zoom that used type 126 cartridges.

My first car, was also my parents both first ever new car, a 72 Gran Torino. They ordered it with bucket seats which were part of the option that came with console and full length vinyl inserts in the rug. The only other options they got were the 351C-2V, and the wide side trim. I saved the front interior parts by swapping them into my first 73 Ranchero, with a used 72 Sport front end. Over a year ago I bought another 73 Ranchero GT to help build a nicer one. So 351C-4V is my favorite engine, now i have the one driveable Q-code version, and the parts of my old 351C-2V to build(I built a 4V for that first car). The 400 is a poor unloved engine, and I even have parts to build one of those. I started a 400 build for a 69 Mustang and ended it when the car ended up to be too far gone, parts missing and rust. But the engine I had machine work done until they moved and lost the crank. But the engine block I had converted to four bolt mains, and screw in freeze plugs. No other 400 exists with those I'm sure.

Remember this?

I do, and yes that's more fun to discuss than today's economy or politics.

Where did they place this thread that we cannot post pictures directly?
