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Which factory radio??


Well-Known Member
February 22, 2007
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City, State
Portage Lakes, OH
Year, Model & Trim Level
2015 Ford Explorer Sport
Ok...here's my problem. My Explorer came with the single CD non-audiophile system. I purchased a used in dash 6 disc factory radio for it. I now have Sirius satelitte radio running through a wired FM modulator. The volume just isn't as loud as the normal FM stations. I called Sirius to see if there was any way to get it a little louder and they said the only way would be to use an aux input to my radio. Does anyone know which model Ford factory in-dash 6 disc changer has either the "SAT" or "AUX" button and would be a fit in my Explorer. I want to keep a factory Ford radio in it. I guess one of the problems is the change in the plugs. My vehicle has the "world" connectors (only 2 plugs on back of radio) and the Audiophile system in '04 as well as the newer vehicles has the "phase 2" (3 plugs) on the back of the radio. There's got to be a factory Ford 6 disc in-dash changer that will work in my truck which would give me that 3rd plug into the back of the radio...it might not even be for an Explorer..but a different model. As long as it has the correct mounting tabs for the bolts and fits I'd think it would work.

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hello fyrfyter612,

that third plug is for a sub woofer so no worries with it.

check this out,
PIE FRDN-AUX Auxiliary Audio Input Adapter for select 1998-05 Ford


I think someone just did this, forgot the link, somewhere here. . . . :scratch:

I looked at that one and doesn't look like it'll work. It says in the description that in dash 6 disc changers will not work...and that's what I have.

OK...scratch my last statement. I was able to call PIE and gave them the part number off the back of my radio and they told me it will work.

Well....thnx jr...after talking to PIE I ordered the adaptor you suggested and it works perfectly. Press the "cd" button once and my cd's play...press it a second time and I hear the Sirius radio.....and it's louder than it was when I was running it through the wired FM modulator.....thnx again.
