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Windshield wiper problem


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May 23, 2009
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On a 1992 ranger Would anyone know why my intermittent winshield wipers on work on high speed.
Ive tryed 2 diff in cab switches and got the same result.
Is there a relay switch somewhere between the actuel in cab wiper turn signal switch and wiper motor.

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probably a bad MF switch

I'm guessing "in cab switch" = multifunction switch so....

There is a module that controls the wipers as well, and it's under the dash.
This is from the 1993 service manual, I think it is the same however...
Do the tests in the troubleshooting charts

A7, C294 - Interval Governor




Wiper motor speed

TedJ Thanks so much for the diagram Man i will check it out.

The above troubleshooting steps are incomplete. I am experiencing the following condition...

INT inoperative; low or high speed OK

...I followed all the ACTION steps, and the stated conclusion is "replace Interval Governor". But I tested another governor and the problem persists.

So, I studied the schematic and thru multimeter testing found that circuit 28 (pin 1 at the governor) has a consistent 12v on it. This lead me to think the switch in the motor wasn't working, so with the wipers on INT (slowly twitching across the windshield), I hit the motor with a hammer and suddenly the wipers were fixed--perfectly delayed!

Yes, Ford forgot about the hammer trick. ;) :)
