Winter Time | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Winter Time


August 11, 2011
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Year, Model & Trim Level
1997 5.0 Limited
So here's my situation. Last winter and up until august I was driving a V6 4x4 XLT, it handled great in the winter. In august I bought a 5.0 AWD that already had a brand new set of BFG A/T's, just wondering if anyone out of experience can tell me how it's going to handle in the snow as opposed to the 4x4 (which had 2 bald rear tires and still drove great).


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For pure rock crawling, mud bogging, or steep downhill decents 4x4Lo works better, but in most driving conditions the AWD wins hands down.

The AWD handles MUCH better in snow than the standard 4x4. I have both trucks and can definitely tell the difference. The AWD keeps constant power at all 4 tires all the time plus most AWD have limited slip rears. On a 4x4 you are riding on 2x4 until the shift motor is activated by slippage or you engage 4H or 4L. The power to front/back is fixed by the transfer case on a 4x4, while viscous coupler TC found in AWD allows very fast fluctuating power levels front/back within a range.

While your truck will be good with the BFG AT's and AWD. If you stepped up to a dedicated winter tire with AWD you would be blown away by the traction when compared to the BFG AT's.

I run a set of Nokian WRG2 SUV tires which is a newer type tire that has the siping of a winter tire and a softer rubber compound but can be used all year (unlike true winter tires). They also have the severe snowflake symbol on them. I've been impressed with these tires for 2 years now.

I'm also a big believer in BFG AT's also because I know how well they last.

I have a 2000 5.0 AWD xlt and with all new wrangler RT/s i can tell you it will handle the snow amazingly. I only got stuck once last year and that was in 1 1/2ft when my car bottomed out.
