Wiring Diagram Needed | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Wiring Diagram Needed

Blacksheep Josh

July 31, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
Statesboro, GA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'01 Ford Ranger, RIP 93 X
I'm upgrading door panels, and I need the wiring diagram for the second generation explorer.

This should be available in teh back of your haynes manual.

I need the wiring diagram of the switch wires coming from the master switch on the front driver, and also the passenger switch in front.

Thank You

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need someone to double check me on this.

i turned the switch over, and this is what i think each is, ignore the Lock/unlock wires at the very top. i just need to be double checked on the wires i have listed now. image is big so you can see everything clearly.

just remember this is turned over. so everything seems oppositve


I can check tomorrow for you with a multimeter.

The window switches are reverse polarity. So when you press up, the top wire is 12v and the bottom wire is ground, and when you press down, the bottom wire is 12v and the top is ground. It just reverses the motor.

Same with the locks I believe, I'm about 90% on that, but I can check tomorrow for you.

The window lock I can check, never looked at it before..

I'll check the 'lighting', ground, and 12v wires you are curious about also. I'll be able to check it a little after 3:30ish. Possibly earlier, not sure. Watching my twins tomorrow so it depends on when my girl gets home.

I can check tomorrow for you with a multimeter.

The window switches are reverse polarity. So when you press up, the top wire is 12v and the bottom wire is ground, and when you press down, the bottom wire is 12v and the top is ground. It just reverses the motor.

Same with the locks I believe, I'm about 90% on that, but I can check tomorrow for you.

The window lock I can check, never looked at it before..

I'll check the 'lighting', ground, and 12v wires you are curious about also. I'll be able to check it a little after 3:30ish. Possibly earlier, not sure. Watching my twins tomorrow so it depends on when my girl gets home.

I really appreciate man, I really do. The window lock is the same on m 1993 switch, so I'm positive that's what that particular wire is. I just need to know what I have marked is right. I'm pretty sure it is, but if you can check it I'd really appreciate it.

I really appreciate man, I really do. The window lock is the same on m 1993 switch, so I'm positive that's what that particular wire is. I just need to know what I have marked is right. I'm pretty sure it is, but if you can check it I'd really appreciate it.

No problem, I'll get to it as soon as I can tomorrow for you. I got a DMM, so I won't be guessing with a test light or anything. Do you need passenger or are you all set?


BTW, I know I'm right about the window switches, cause I installed an Autopage window roll up module for my alarm. When I lock the doors they go up, and when I hold down unlock they go down.

BTW, I know I'm right about the window switches, cause I installed an Autopage window roll up module for my alarm. When I lock the doors they go up, and when I hold down unlock they go down.

Sweet, That'd be something I'd definitely like to have. Hard to install?

Sweet, That'd be something I'd definitely like to have. Hard to install?

Not really, just have to rout 4 wires into the door, cut the connections going to the switch.... I'll show you, lol. hard to explain... I'll take a pic. This Module It also gives the driver auto roll up and down on the driver and passenger windows. (the one tap like ours do down only, it will one tap up and down on both windows) to do the back windows you just add another module. Looking at the instructions makes it look more complicated than it is..


'Not really' meaning you need basic skills, like installing an alarm or remote starter, etc.

Not really, just have to rout 4 wires into the door, cut the connections going to the switch.... I'll show you, lol. hard to explain... I'll take a pic. This Module It also gives the driver auto roll up and down on the driver and passenger windows. (the one tap like ours do down only, it will one tap up and down on both windows) to do the back windows you just add another module. Looking at the instructions makes it look more complicated than it is..


'Not really' meaning you need basic skills, like installing an alarm or remote starter, etc.

thinking about it, i really don't need it. but i'd like to have it. lol. maybe one day

thanks again for checking tomorrow. there's no rush on it, because i'm upgrading my door panels, so it's just a waiting game, i still got some painting to do anyways

thinking about it, i really don't need it. but i'd like to have it. lol. maybe one day

thanks again for checking tomorrow. there's no rush on it, because i'm upgrading my door panels, so it's just a waiting game, i still got some painting to do anyways

If you were in the area I'd do it for ya. lol.

lol, I know I hate waiting games, but I'll check soon as I can.

This post was edited because I put it in the wrong damn thread. I saw this last night and meant to fix it, Sorry.

Just got another e-mail from the seller. He said that this upcoming weekend he'll have the money ( I know I know), I just said to go ahead and refund it at this point. He should just be able to go on paypal and send it to me. that way no fuss about shipping it. maybe izwhack will have those rear panels.

Just got done checking the wires, gonna draw out a quick diagram just incase your wire colors are different. Loading photoshop on my comp real quick, thought I had after re-doing my comp, but apparently not.

BTW: a couple guesses were wrong, that's another reason for the diagram.

Good luck on the door panels.

Here's the diagram. Looks like your colors are the same, so it shouldn't be a problem. I got as much as I could from it. The only ones I'm not sure about are the grounds. The internals of the switch would tell us more. I would try putting i to ground, and seeing what it does. All the other wires should be right.


EF shrunk it, here it is full size:


FANTASTIC!!! I was pretty much on the money then. Thanks man, you're a life saver.

no problem. Yeah, there was a few difference, the power, light, etc.

This was helpful to me also but where does the power to the window come from I can't get power to the panel checked fuses all good any help would be great can't seem to find a good schematic on this site still looking


96 explorer
95 explorer
