1996 Limited Add-Leaf Question | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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1996 Limited Add-Leaf Question

Martin Torres

March 24, 2024
Reaction score
City, State
Woodland, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1996 4x4 Limited
I searched for my specific question but couldn't find anything so I thought I'd post. I'm working on a 96 limited that was given to me and I'm down to suspension and it has the left side lean and rear squat due to the springs being worn. This will be my daily driver as well as hauling equipment to and from band gigs.

I can find lifted Springs at a reasonable price and free shipping all over but OEM height Springs are crazy expensive and the shipping is as expensive as the spring. Having them rearched is more expensive.

I can find an add a leaf kit for less than $100 with free shipping and I'm thinking about doing that and swapping them side to side. Has anyone else done this and if so, how did it turn out to for you?


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have you checked LMC truck iirc their prices were ok dayton makes one too i think if i can recall from a handful of years ago

have you checked LMC truck iirc their prices were ok dayton makes one too i think if i can recall from a handful of years ago
LMC doesn't list the leaf spring. I havent had much faith in the quality of the items I've bought there for other builds anyway. I think I'm gonna see what info I may get here about swapping sides and adding a leaf. Several hits on other forums and the consensus is to do it.

LMC doesn't list the leaf spring. I havent had much faith in the quality of the items I've bought there for other builds anyway. I think I'm gonna see what info I may get here about swapping sides and adding a leaf. Several hits on other forums and the consensus is to do it.
hmmm ok.

thats another good option.

how bout this one

If you have the option, get a longer add a leaf vs shorter, shorter kills the ride quality more.
You probably are aware of that if you’ve done other builds as mentioned, but just putting it out there just in case.

If you have the option, get a longer add a leaf vs shorter, shorter kills the ride quality more.
You probably are aware of that if you’ve done other builds as mentioned, but just putting it out there just in case.
Longer would be the plan. Don't want to offset the auto air control benefits.

Follow-up to my original questions. So here is why I want a stiffer suspension in the rear. This will be my daily runaround but also will haul band equipment to medium to small gigs. The auto air ride kicked in and it helped level it but man was it bouncy. I decided to go with heavier add a leafs which is fine as all my other rides are a Peterbilt dump truck, a 96 F350 4x4 PS, a 2003 F350 dually PS, and a '58 F100 rat rod. Even with the stiffer suspension, this will feel like I am riding on air.

So my follow-up questions.
1) I read the left lean on this era Explorer is common due to the rear leaf wear. Do the torsion bars wear out also? I am thinking of swapping them also while the Explorer is tore apart in my shop.

2) How does the auto air control determine the correct ride height? Are the sensors adjustable like my Pete? They don't look adjustable unless there is a reset in the GEM? Default height now is with the rear sag about 1.5 inches. Once it is up to stock or maybe a little higher (new springs say 1.5 to 2 inch lift), will it drop air trying to get back to the lower height? I might make this a separate thread as I see a lot of posts on the web (mostly old) about this with no answers.

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