2001 Ford Explorer Sport rear end sagging | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2001 Ford Explorer Sport rear end sagging


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September 15, 2014
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Owensboro KY
Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 Ford Explorer Sport
I got a nice sag going on not to mention it's a rough ride hitting bumps. Any suggestions on a CHEAP EASY FIX? I drive this truck to work and back and will be using it a lot during the winter and in the snow.

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Keep in mind, the 58617 shocks will lift the rear a minimum of 3/4"-1 1/4". Also, don't confuse "sag" and "lean". Explorer's and Ranger's are also notorious for developing a severe drivers side lean over time. Theory is that the drivers body weight, fuel tank, and battery all contribute to weakening the left rear leaf spring faster than the right. Proper fix is replacing the leaf springs. Temporary solutions include add-a-leaf, swapping sides, de-arching, and adjusting the torsion bars.

Keep in mind, the 58617 shocks will lift the rear a minimum of 3/4"-1 1/4". Also, don't confuse "sag" and "lean". Explorer's and Ranger's are also notorious for developing a severe drivers side lean over time. Theory is that the drivers body weight, fuel tank, and battery all contribute to weakening the left rear leaf spring faster than the right. Proper fix is replacing the leaf springs. Temporary solutions include add-a-leaf, swapping sides, de-arching, and adjusting the torsion bars.

It doesn't lean to the left yet but I can see that ass end dropped down and when I hit the smallest of bumps you can feel it thru your spine where it's bottoming out. The truck has 226,000 miles on it so I don't really wanna blow that much money. Other than it being high millage the thing is still running strong and tough as it did 150,000 miles ago.
Another question... I know the shocks are bad so if I replaced just the shocks with normal basic shocks would it raise it back to normal ride height?

Coil over shocks will raise the ride height, no guarantee how much. Conventional shocks will not, that's the function of leaf springs.

I'd give the Monroe's a try, especially at less than $100 a pair shipped, since you need rear shocks anyway. Did you read reviews?

Coil over shocks will raise the height, no guarantee how much. Conventional shocks will not, that's the function of leaf springs. I'd give the Monroe's a try, especially at less than $100 per pair shipped, since you need rear shocks anyway. Did you read reviews?

Yeah I did and I'm gonna check them out

Wonder if these would fit a 03 sport?
