2004 Ford Explorer Limited Middle Console Swap to Seat | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2004 Ford Explorer Limited Middle Console Swap to Seat


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May 5, 2017
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2004 Explorer Ltd. AWD V8
Hey guys, new to this forum.

I've had the middle console removed from my explorer for a couple years now, and all that remains is the mounting bracket over a hole in the carpeting. It doesn't look very neat, but it's not the worst thing in the world.

Anyways, I've been digging around the internet to find out if a middle seat (black leather) can be mounted to the old middle console bracket, so I can haul me plus 6.

1. Is it possible?
2. If yes to [1.], then where can I find one?

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No, you'll need to get a second row setup that containes all three seats. Make sure it's one from a third row model.

where are you located. I just gutted my second row (three row limited), and I cant see myself ever adding them back. My dog loves the headroom. They are tan leather, near-perfect condition. I imagine shipping them would be more cost and effort than they're worth, especially as the wrong color. But if you're in new england, you could come pick them up. I have all the hardware in a zip lock. Make me an offer if you want them.

where are you located. I just gutted my second row (three row limited), and I cant see myself ever adding them back. My dog loves the headroom. They are tan leather, near-perfect condition. I imagine shipping them would be more cost and effort than they're worth, especially as the wrong color. But if you're in new england, you could come pick them up. I have all the hardware in a zip lock. Make me an offer if you want them.
Thanks for the offer but I'm looking for black leather and I'm a long way from the east coast.
