2016 Explorer Limited has shifter stuck in Park and no stop lights. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2016 Explorer Limited has shifter stuck in Park and no stop lights.


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April 8, 2024
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2016 Ford Explorer, Limit
replaced stop light switch and checked fuses OK; still no stop lights and shifter still stuck in Park. anyone have any suggestions?

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Did you (specifically) check fuse F83 in the under-hood fuse box and VERIFY it is passing power to the stop light switch on the blue-red wire?

If that check passed, did you verify that the switched power is making it to the BCM and the PCM on the gray-yellow wire?

replaced stop light switch and checked fuses OK; still no stop lights and shifter still stuck in Park. anyone have any suggestions?
Welcome to the Forum. :wave:
Have you verified that there is power going to the brake lights? It would be unusual to have both go out at the same time and being LED they should last quite a while. Does the high mount (3rd) brake light work?
If you wish to move the vehicle, the manual has a part on accessing the Brake-Shift Interlock that allows the car to be moved.


Did you (specifically) check fuse F83 in the under-hood fuse box and VERIFY it is passing power to the stop light switch on the blue-red wire?

If that check passed, did you verify that the switched power is making it to the BCM and the PCM on the gray-yellow wire?
I did check fuse 83 in the under hood fuse box; it looked fine, continuity checked OK and had 12.5 volts on both sides of fuse in the box. Will need to check if voltage reaching the blue/red wire, then the gray/yellow wire and get back to you. Thanks for the advice.

I did check fuse 83 in the under hood fuse box; it looked fine, continuity checked OK and had 12.5 volts on both sides of fuse in the box. Will need to check if voltage reaching the blue/red wire, then the gray/yellow wire and get back to you. Thanks for the advice.

Just completed testing for voltage on Blue/Red wire on stop light switch and found no volts on that wire nor on any of the other three wires.??

Does the high-mounted stop light work?


No, no stop lights work; I checked for continuity from fuse 83 in fuse block to the stop light switch and no continuity.

I checked for continuity from fuse 83 in fuse block to the stop light switch and no continuity.

Then that is the problem.

You have an open circuit somewhere between the load terminal of F83 and the connector at the stop lamp switch. Schematic is below. First thing I'd check is at the connector on the BJB. Disconnect it and inspect both halves for damaged pin(s). You can also do another continuity check of each leg to determine if you have a faulty BJB or if it's a wire harness problem.

2024-04-12 07_29_18-Window.png

2024-04-12 07_26_18-Window.png

Then that is the problem.

You have an open circuit somewhere between the load terminal of F83 and the connector at the stop lamp switch. Schematic is below. First thing I'd check is at the connector on the BJB. Disconnect it and inspect both halves for damaged pin(s). You can also do another continuity check of each leg to determine if you have a faulty BJB or if it's a wire harness problem.

View attachment 451343

View attachment 451344
Thank you very much. Today I did find the Blue/Red wire was broken under the under hood fuse box, near the rear of the fuse box. Was fortunate enough to locate both ends and make repair. Shifter and stoplights working normal again. Very appreciative of the help.

Congrats on finding and repairing the problem.

Thanks for following up with the details.
