'98 Explorer - Where To Get Trans Case Shift Motor 'adaptor' for Towing ? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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'98 Explorer - Where To Get Trans Case Shift Motor 'adaptor' for Towing ?


April 26, 2023
Reaction score
City, State
Cookeville TN
Year, Model & Trim Level
1998 Explorer EB
Ok, I have the shift motor (SM) off and can shift the TC by hand between H-N-L.

I have heard that there is a kit, that replaces the SM, so I can shift the TC by hand. They used to sell these so folks could tow their Explorer on all 4 wheels but putting the TC into Nuetral. I would just leave the SM off, and shift by hand (vice grips) but the TC shifts so easy, that I'm worried the TC will shift itself, ie, I want to 'lock' it into H or L so it stays where I put it.

Any leads as to where I can get a kit ?

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These are two different products. The ford neutral tow kit won’t help you, as your electronics are messed up.

As in the other thread, I recommend you fix you GEM or wiring issue. It’ll fix your wipers and whatever else isn’t working as well.

I need to investigate the manual shift kit myself, not be told that it won't because of whatever. The computer is NOT going to be fixed. I don't care about wipers as i can rig that up too.

I need to investigate the manual shift kit myself, not be told that it won't because of whatever. The computer is NOT going to be fixed. I don't care about wipers as i can rig that up too.
I said Fords neutral tow kit won’t help you. And, it won’t.

I was under the impression that the Tow Kit would shift manually, and switch between H-L-N - is this not true ? Does this mean the TK is also electronically controlled ? Or maybe it means the TK is a cover one puts on that is fixed in the N position.

It’s not maybe this, maybe that.

What it does, is shift between them using the existing electric shift system. It’s just like stock, except the encoder stops the shift motor at the N.

It also requires your computer to be flashed to add the function. Yikes.

lol Yes, agreed - yikes !
Funny thing, last time we worked on it I smelled smoke.

I think it’s probably time to drag the old girl out back and shoot her.

lol - true. Why would anyone build a tranny that has been made since 1960, and then stick electronics on it ? I have a few 60's and 70's cars, and guess what, they still shift !

theres always the tried and true drop the driveshafts

as to sticking electronics on a 60s trans- at least it beats the a4ld!

You can thank the EPA and government.

Those 60s designs shift just fine, but the increasing cost of gas and the implementation of MPG requirements made electronically controlled transmissions necessary for efficiency purposes.

"sticking electronics on a 60s trans" ? None of my older cars have electronics on the tranny. And they all still shift.

That's what we were told to sell us more technology we didn't need. I don't believe it and never did. There are folks who do though. I used to have a VW Rabbit diesel that got 50mpg, stick shift. I also have a Corolla w/4 cyl & stick that I've gotten 52mpg on a level road at 50mph. They sell us technology so they can have something to do, not for our benefit. Imagine if they stoipped all this technology race crap, and made all cars like my Corolla, what would all the engineers do ? No, I don't believe in all the technology crap. Give me a stick shift any day. My Grandfather used to say, "did you ever notice that when they started putting automatics in cars (even 50's or 60's) all these Transmission repair Shops sprang up ?" I said yes Grandpa, that tells us a lot. I could build a car that should go 500k and get 50mpg and have no engine or trans issues, but I don't have the capital.

The only thing left for me to find out is where the brown wire attaches to the TC. I looked a few times but I was really looking for the SM, not the brown wire, so I missed it.

The only thing left for me to find out is where the brown wire attaches to the TC. I looked a few times but I was really looking for the SM, not the brown wire, so I missed it.
It’s in the bundle under the drivers seat. It’s the thick wire, as I’ve mentioned before. Why would you want to get it at the case where it’s subject to the elements.

Every car since the 90s has electronic controlled transmissions, not sure why that’d be surprising.

Don't recall the think wire mentioned but, thx.
I wanted to unplug it 1st.
Maybe that's why I know of a 01 VW Jetta that doesn't shift either.
Someday, the entire electroinc mess will collapse of it's own weight, without any help from an EMP. People will go back to basics, when they learn that automatic wasn't all it was hyped up to be.
Thx for the help.

Don't recall the think wire mentioned but, thx.
I wanted to unplug it 1st.
Maybe that's why I know of a 01 VW Jetta that doesn't shift either.
Someday, the entire electroinc mess will collapse of it's own weight, without any help from an EMP. People will go back to basics, when they learn that automatic wasn't all it was hyped up to be.
Thx for the help.
No one is going back to basics. No one wants to drive standards or they’d still make them.

Doubtful you can unplug the brown wire without unplugging the whole harness.

You’d also be able to find the info better if you quit making new threads. It was in the first thread you posted, where all the other info you chose to ignore was.

Your order of operations on this repair are ridiculous.

The kids are already doing it, or similar, in that they are fed up with all the chemicals (and GE and GM) in foods. Not many sticks are made as they don't generate money flow. They last too long. They rarely break. The US economy (Wall St and WashDC) needs money to flow in order to survive. Plus, you're right in a certain respect, in that those that buy new vehicles don't care. They throw them away just b4 they break.

Can't I unplug the brown wire from the TC ?

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For the record I mentioned the wire being in the bundle under the drivers seat on May 5th in the original thread you started.

The brown wire isn’t going to plug in on a connector by itself, as virtually no things do.
