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Auto Hold System Fault

Searched the forum , couldn’t find a similar thread , but I know what the Auto Hold feature is and how to use it but does anybody get an error message when they first start their truck, I wish it would store a code this way it’s not back and forth at the dealer

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I have gotten this many times, perhaps once every couple of weeks or so. It persists until I shut the truck down (usually either right away or at the first stoplight).

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I have gotten this many times, perhaps once every couple of weeks or so. It persists until I shut the truck down (usually either right away or at the first stoplight).
Yep, you need the ABS system update mentioned previously.

Had the same problem with the auto hold fault this morning. Remote start with the FOB, after entering the vehicle and pressing start the Auto Hold warning came on. The system will not work even with manually attempting to enable with the Auto Hold switch. the remedy is to shut down the car and restart using the start/stop button. Worked fine after that.

2020 Explorer Limited 4WD 24K miles

Had the same problem with the auto hold fault this morning. Remote start with the FOB, after entering the vehicle and pressing start the Auto Hold warning came on. The system will not work even with manually attempting to enable with the Auto Hold switch. the remedy is to shut down the car and restart using the start/stop button. Worked fine after that.

2020 Explorer Limited 4WD 24K miles
Welcome to the Forum. :wave:
It doesn't appear as though anyone has found a solution to this. I doubt the dealer would be able to find anything either unless a fault code was set. As stated before, it is one of the first features I disable as I find it a bit too intrusive and don't actually see a need for it.
Good luck.


Welcome to the Forum. :wave:
It doesn't appear as though anyone has found a solution to this. I doubt the dealer would be able to find anything either unless a fault code was set. As stated before, it is one of the first features I disable as I find it a bit too intrusive and don't actually see a need for it.
Good luck.

The first feature that gets disabled is the Engine Start Stop. I wouldn’t call that a feature, more like an annoyance. So much so I installed an auto stop eliminator, so now the default is OFF on every start not ON.

Worth the $100 bucks.

Bought new 2023 xlt in April 2024. Only have 500 miles on it and I'm also getting this message. It happened after maybe 30 minutes of driving it but the difference is I remote started with the key. I usually don't remote start it ever but did it this time for a baby. The only other time it's happened was also when I remote started it from the key. Annoying to know it's an Explorer issue.

Yes. In our 2020 Explorer Limited that exact fault sometimes appears after using the remote start.

I searched for the answer and found it’s a software glitch and it only occurs on a remote start. Shut down and restart corrects the problem. At the time I checked there wasn’t a known fix.

Yes. In our 2020 Explorer Limited that exact fault sometimes appears after using the remote start.

I searched for the answer and found it’s a software glitch and it only occurs on a remote start. Shut down and restart corrects the problem. At the time I checked there wasn’t a known fix.
Welcome to the Forum. :wave:

