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Avoiding Speeding Tickets

Stephen, I just love hearing your stories, they're the best :cool:

Heres one of my own:
My grandma and grandpa were pulling out of a gas station one evening in their LHS and he didnt turn the light son and this cop pulls him over and came walking up and went through the whole thing and told him he needed to have his lights on and G-pa said that he must have just forgot and he wouldnt do it again. Cop says he was just gonna give him a "Werbal warning" and let them go since they were polite. Same cop pulled my uncle over and he had to act all big and bad so the cop gave him a ticket. Goes to show you that sometimes being polite is the best policy. But, dont let people shove you around. If they do, call Stephen ;)

HAHA, another thing, my mom has only got one speeding ticket in her 30 some years of driving, and she dont get tickets in a sleek quiet, minivan that can do 120, but my dad has got I dont know how many tickets in an old beat up 4x4, mudslinging pickup that cant even do 90 without blowing up. I just find that kinda funny.

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See what you have to look forward to as part of your soon to be new life on the road? While I do agree that most police officers are good people and are nice when treated politely and with respect; most APD (Austin, TX) officers suck! I don't know if it's some special training they get here in central TX or what, but they generally aren't the nicest of people. For instance: in Houston and many other cities I've driven in, police officers always respond kindly to waves and smiles. In Austin however, all you get when you wave to an officer in his cruiser is a rude stare and a chance he will pull you over for being overly friendly. Also, APD officers love to go 70 on city streets (30 limit) to respond to lesser calls such as noise complaints, then proceed to go 50 on the highway (65 limit), then make left turns from the right lane with no signal or siren! There is little or no regard by APD for the safety of other motorists. And these are not isolated cases, I see at least two officers a day breaking traffic laws without lights or sirens. Red lights, turn only lanes, cutting across intersections, too slow, too fast, driving in two lanes. You name it, they're doing it!

i realize this is an old thread but ....

part of the reason they wont raise the speed limits is that, for one thing, everyone cant handle driving that fast, meaning there will still be people going 50 and 60 in the 80.

another reason, the main one i would assume is that no one obeys speed limits right ? so lets change them. well, if they get raised to 80 or 90, dont you think some people will chose to drive 100 or 110 since its only 10 or 20 over the limit ? our highway's would be race tracks.

i like driving fast as much as the next person, but with gas prices these days, i'm stickin to what gets me farthest for the buck.

anyways ... there's my view of it.
Jeff aka Lamah

What it all boils down to is this:

If you are going to speed you will eventually get caught. If you get caught it is your own fault not the officer's so behave in a courteous manner.

Thing is, the speed limit is the speed LIMIT. Thats the MAXIMUM speed, so it shouldnt matter if people go 50 in an 80, as long as they keep right.

hmmmm.... a thread on speeding, in an explorer forum. don't know about all you guys, but i'm sure not very inthusiastic about wanting to speed in a vehicle that was not meant for speed and handling. sure, in a sports car, that would be great, but be prepared to get caught, seeing as cops are starting to use the laser speed detectors that are virtually undetectible. good rule of thumb for all people like me out there, you can do 5mph more than posted speed limit in the city, and 10mph more on the highway without getting caught. i know this because i've talked to state troopers and asked them while on a road trip. they told me if they wanted to stop people going 5mph faster than the posted speed limit on the highway, they would be non-stop pulling people over all day. if you do decide to go zipity fast, please use moderation. remember, speed kills. the human body wasn't meant to be able to run much faster than 15mph for a reason.

In my personal experience, the Explorer is perfectly safe and stable up to about 80-85MPH, then it gets very skittish. I definately wouldnt reccoment exceeding this with a stock truck. Now if its lowered and has modifications that improve handling, maybe, but still be very cautious.
