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Chevy.... like a rock


Explorer Addict
December 28, 2016
Reaction score
City, State
Orange county, Ca
Year, Model & Trim Level
95 Explorer 4X 4.0 ohv
I know this is our Ford site...but I use to be a Chevy guy.... so check this out:
Happened the other day in Texas... Chevy needs to make a commercial out of this....


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Glad the boy driving survived with very minor injuries. I guess, if I ever wanted a Chevy, I'd get what he got, a first generation Silverado 1500. Will have to show this to my bro who drives a Blazer. I can say if it were me, the seats would need a good cleaning afterward!!

Glad they didn't get hurt too bad. But to throw a funny twist: I think the truck just wanted to go for a little dance! Popped itself over, did a little spin and landed it!

Won't deny, Silverado is a nice truck, I wouldn't get anything newer than like a 2005, just based on personal preference when it comes to just about any vehicle. Older than 2000, is a good section, before everything went fiberglass and unibody. Plus the older vehicles tend to look nicer than these newer ones

On the newer ones the 10 speed trannys are having undesirable shifting characteristics (as it seems all newer trans with 6 or more speeds are)... and the fuel management system is taxing the lifters on the normally bullet proof 5.3 engine. Yep, older is sometimes better...

Neighbor has a 2004 1500 4.8 manual 4x4 short cab short bed, wicked good truck! But the cab corners are rusting out because it has pockets that allow mud to collect in each corner? The truck had front end issues and the torsion bar mounts were worn out. He built an addition on our house last year and in return we bartered for a 98 ranger that was 3.0 we converted to 4.0
He is a Chevy guy
He drives a ranger everyday lol

Even after we fixed the steering and torsion bars

Glad they didn't get hurt too bad. But to throw a funny twist: I think the truck just wanted to go for a little dance! Popped itself over, did a little spin and landed it!

Won't deny, Silverado is a nice truck, I wouldn't get anything newer than like a 2005, just based on personal preference when it comes to just about any vehicle. Older than 2000, is a good section, before everything went fiberglass and unibody. Plus the older vehicles tend to look nicer than these newer ones
The truck in the news story is a 2004. I love the look of 90s cars especially my Ex.

The truck in the news story is a 2004. I love the look of 90s cars especially my Ex.
Yeah, it's one of the few later ones I'd put up with, definitely prefer older vehicles!
