Corkey's Registry | Page 6 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Corkey's Registry

Log Roller's, Registry,, 56 k get lost,

okay , so , i thought about it, and,,,,,
about time i posted one here,
96 Explorer XL, 4.0 ohv, auto trans, control trac 4x4,
Special Thanks to - gmanpaint, Turdle, and Maniak, to name just a few,
List Of Mods, that made this truck of the month,

-torsion twist , gone now, , Fox Coilovers hold me up now,
-Trailmaster /Superlift combined front end lift kit, with skid plates,
-4:10 gears front and back, Aussie Locker in the back ,
-Cooper STT 33's all around with Dyna Beads inside, On Custom JT powdercoated 16 inch Wheels,
-Superlift Rear Lift Springs, Trailmaster SSV shocks, and custom JT and Gmanpaint swaybar Disconnects,
-Rockcrusher Custom powder coated diff cover, by JT,
-2 sets of driving lights, bumper, and on custom roof rack,
-optima red top battery
-gps for nav with roads and topo
-backup cam
-Kenwood head unit
-Kenwood door speakers, homemade crossovers, extra tweeters,
-amp bypass ,from gmanpaint,
-Kenwood Sirius control box,
-2 12 inch Kenwood dual voice coil subs ,
-custom forum stickers from Blee,
-cb mounted back of console, with custom antenna mount,

this is my Explorer,

engine compartment is all stock , with 350,000 kilometers on the origional engine and trans,

front suspension is stock , with the 2 inch torsion twist ,

rear end has newer springs, i got from gmanpaint, with sway bar disconnects from gman and Turdle, and add a leafs from Maniak,

inside is mostly stock with a few exceptions,
i have a window mounted gps, and backup cam screen , and a Kenwood head unit,

cb mounted to the back of the console,

sirius control box behind the back seat , and one big amp, for the subs

and a couple of 12 inch Kenwood dual voice coil subs,

and 31x10.5x15 inch goodyear wrangler territory tires,


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Damn pete that looks awesome! Love the fender trick makes me want to redo my front fenders. keep up the good work!

My front end shimmies for about 3 miles until they warm up. because the tires aren't balanced.

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mine have dyna beads in them, so it should balance right away, might need another alignment,,

carnage ,

heres a pic of the carnage from wheeling today, broken cv,

so we put it on a dolly and brought it home after i got out to the road,

but at least i got towed home by another Ford,

next will be repair photos, i guess, ,

i think it was not the weight, it might have been binding, but looking at the cv only 1 bearing let go and it looks like than it just slipped out,, as nothing else was damaged.
I even found all the parts , so it appears the end of the bearing is held on by a clip, maybe the clip let go,

Maybe Pete could take you for a play in the mud when he's all up n running again!!


hmmm, funny how my 35's look bigger than his 37's,,

parts delivery in the making now,,
Vroomzoomboom should be here soon,

Vroomzoomboom Tim came over today and brought me a pair of front CV axles.
while we chatted i put the front end back together with the supplied cv axle for the drivers side.

It was nice of him to come over and visit , and even nicer that he brought parts for me.
Nice guy and a pleasure to spend an afternoon talking with him,,
and we took some photos of both our rigs sitting together, ,
i will wait to see what he posts for pics,,

had a visitor today, and took some pics,
Tim has some too, he may post a few,


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well i get there to see this (pete waiting)


we start to chat, then i notice this (dam that man is fast)


then then photo shoot begins!



:ca:TEAM CANADA!:ca:



to give everyone a idea how big pete's truck is now......




he was also saying he needed them in a hurry sooooo (well not really, but....)


great to see ya again and chat for awhile. sorry couldnt stay for supper, but had to get back. it was a good day!

Yes it was, was nice to talk and the photos turned out very nice,,
already moved them to my external to save for good,

Pete did you check your Superlift brackets? I'm curious about the one that is on the passenger side that goes from the frame to the axle mount.

i am going to take that bracket off today and check it, i may have tweaked it a bit,,

hope i don't have to drop the whole thing diff and all, ,

well, i got under there in the light to look again, seems something is bent, as the diff is to the passengers side quite a bit,,

now to find out what,,


i am looking into a way to move the front diff a bit to the drivers side , like 1/2 inch to make the cv issue go away, will keep you informed,

hmm, new one, i am going to have to trim my back wheel openings a bit on the rear edge they rub at stuff, and it sounds scary,. them nice chrome plastic pieces are going to have to be modified so they fit back on, but further back,
i have an idea , deee tales to foller,,

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So, i went and did it,, i took that l shaped bracket off, and it was definitely bent,, as was the other bracket on the other side that locates the front differential,
these are Superlift brackets, and do not seem to be strong enough.

So, i straightened them out and welded a few pieces on to keep them from bending again, , and VOILA !! it's a success, i wheeled it hard and did not break a cv , even on the same hill as the last one broke on,,
photos, soon, ,
