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Crank, no start


Well-Known Member
July 8, 2010
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92 XLT
92 (94 motor) 4.0 5 speed. I am dealing with a crank but not firing issue. Put in a new fuel pump and fuel pump relay with no luck; when I went to poke around under the hood to check other connections I found this broken wire. Can anyone tell me what this is or where it goes? It looks abnormal at best.

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That wire goes to the Ignition Interference Capacitor. It should be near the coil pack. Does your check engine light work? Does it illuminate while cranking the engine?

Yes; the check engine light works. I just went out to verify; when I turn the key to the ON position the "CHECK ENGINE" light is on. When I crank it, the "CHECK OIL" turns on, but the "CHECK ENGINE" light turns off. What is an Ignition Interference Capacitor?
That wire goes to the Ignition Interference Capacitor. It should be near the coil pack. Does your check engine light work? Does it illuminate while cranking the engine

Yes; the check engine light works. I just went out to verify; when I turn the key to the ON position the "CHECK ENGINE" light is on. When I crank it, the "CHECK OIL" turns on, but the "CHECK ENGINE" light turns off. What is an Ignition Interference Capacitor?
The capacitor is to help eliminate radio interference, it won't cause a no start issue. The check engine light going out while cranking means the ecm isn't seeing a signal from the crankshaft position sensor. usually unplugging it and reseating the connector will cause it to work again, if the sensor is good.

The capacitor is to help eliminate radio interference, it won't cause a no start issue. The check engine light going out while cranking means the ecm isn't seeing a signal from the crankshaft position sensor. usually unplugging it and reseating the connector will cause it to work again, if the sensor is good.
The crank sensor is less than 3 years old (I replaced it while tracking down a high idle). And it can only be mounted in one way, the way it was designed. What do you mean by re-seating the connector?

The crank sensor is less than 3 years old (I replaced it while tracking down a high idle). And it can only be mounted in one way, the way it was designed. What do you mean by re-seating the connector?
The pins in the connector can lose contact with the sensor, or the copper wire that those pins are crimped to corrode and it becomes a poor connection. This can be checked with a multi meter. Another thing to check is the wiring harness to the ignition module, it is right behind the passenger headlight. The wires run between the battery tray and inner fender, some members have reported that chafed wires caused a short and no start.

It happens... thanks for the update
