ECM problem? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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ECM problem?

Steve Stroman

New Member
April 7, 2024
Reaction score
City, State
Houston, Texas
Year, Model & Trim Level
2010 Explorer XLT 4WD 4.0
2010 Explorer 4.0L 4x4.

Codes P0135,P0141, P0155, P0161, P0403, P0443

My searches have been pretty fruitless online, but the engine runs fine. No black smoke, hard starting, stalling, or anything. Leads me to believe it is the ECM. There is a service here in town that repairs them and I've contacted them but have not heard back.

I don't see how all 4 O2 sensors went bad at once, the EGR may actually be bad but not sure. I'm guessing the evap system problem has to do with the stupid gas cap.

Anyone have any suggestions other than throwing a bunch of new parts at it? Other tests I can run?

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2010 Explorer 4.0L 4x4.

Codes P0135,P0141, P0155, P0161, P0403, P0443

My searches have been pretty fruitless online, but the engine runs fine. No black smoke, hard starting, stalling, or anything. Leads me to believe it is the ECM. There is a service here in town that repairs them and I've contacted them but have not heard back.

I don't see how all 4 O2 sensors went bad at once, the EGR may actually be bad but not sure. I'm guessing the evap system problem has to do with the stupid gas cap.

Anyone have any suggestions other than throwing a bunch of new parts at it? Other tests I can run?
Following with a similar issue. Right now I have P0443 and PO403. How does one check the EGR system? I ran a smoke test on the EVAP and couldn't find an issue.

I had the ECM checked out by a local firm and they told me indeed the O2 portion is fried and cannot be repaired.

I have ordered a new one and will update once it arrives and is installed.

I had the ECM checked out by a local firm and they told me indeed the O2 portion is fried and cannot be repaired.

I have ordered a new one and will update once it arrives and is installed.
Steve, would you mind posting where you were able to get a new one? I'm wary of sending mine off somewhere, and not finding a replacement if things go bad.

Steve, would you mind posting where you were able to get a new one? I'm wary of sending mine off somewhere, and not finding a replacement if things go bad.
I haven's sent mine off yet. Ordered the new one from Module Experts out of Florida. When it arrives I send my old one back for the core charge. I'll update when I receive it.
