EF 20th Anniversary Events - Planning for 2016!!! | Page 12 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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EF 20th Anniversary Events - Planning for 2016!!!

June 10-12 at Hot Springs.

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Finally got the the black one in the garage, it fit with stock set of tires and after removing the roof rack! In addition to the axles being upgraded, I'm getting rid of this bumper and making something to mount the new winch permanently. This year it WILL be making it to Moab! Wifey had to get in the pic


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Thanks Anthony, still has the smashed fender on the other side though, from that invisible hole I ran across one day and fell in it sideways.

Just fyi, kris and i are still a go for all this fun and hoopla!

Better be! We wanna see this mystery rig you know.

Ditto....can't build up all this suspense and then not even show up!

New springs are in and worked out great.

Hopefully it attaches this time...


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BTW, I like the new red, white and blue theme... Adds 10 horsepower ;)

You were going for patriotic? :eek:

You were going for patriotic? :eek:

No, they are used springs that were available, and cheap ;)

I lucked out and they seem to be working just fine. Haven't flexed it yet, but I did take some good bumps and whoops on a little track near the house.


Wow.... 20 years! Cool! To think of all those that have come and gone over the years! :thumbsup:

Wow.... 20 years! Cool! To think of all those that have come and gone over the years! :thumbsup:

Any plans on joining us in Moab this year?

so to give myself a kick in the arise, i booked my holidays today. lets hope i will have the truck tuned and ready to make it.....and can afford to get down to AFN

next month for moab!!!! Next month!!! Oh, and the mystery rig is coming along nicey :D :shifty_ey

I can't wait to get out there. Char and I are really looking forward to seeing everyone:chug:

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Making it's first appearance at Moab 2016 and up for grabs will be the "Boner Award". This award will be presented to whoever obviously pulls the biggest boner, ie oops. Good luck!!!!!!!!

