Hello, new here with a project. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Hello, new here with a project.


New Member
April 19, 2024
Reaction score
City, State
Denver, CO
Year, Model & Trim Level
99 5.0 mountaineer
So I am new here and I picked up a mess of a project a couple months ago. Someone has put a 99 mountaineer 5.0 and 4r70w trans into a 98 ranger. Long story short the truck wouldn’t start after sometime and I picked it up for a steel. Since getting it, I have swapped out the fuel lines, fuel rail and fuel pump in order to get it working again and it was running as long as an OBDII was plugged in. Since then, the truck won’t start even with the OBDII plugged in. From my research, I’ve come to the conclusion that it has been a pats issue that has been progressively getting worse. (Note: the steering column ignition ECU and gauge cluster are all from the donor mountaineer) over the weekend I will be trying to reprogram two new keys to the ECU to see if this alleviates my issue if it doesn’t, I am thinking about swapping to a 97 explorer ECU and wiring harness. I would love to hear yall thoughts on this potential solution. It would also give me the opportunity to clean up the mess of wiring the original owners left.

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So I am new here and I picked up a mess of a project a couple months ago. Someone has put a 99 mountaineer 5.0 and 4r70w trans into a 98 ranger. Long story short the truck wouldn’t start after sometime and I picked it up for a steel. Since getting it, I have swapped out the fuel lines, fuel rail and fuel pump in order to get it working again and it was running as long as an OBDII was plugged in. Since then, the truck won’t start even with the OBDII plugged in. From my research, I’ve come to the conclusion that it has been a pats issue that has been progressively getting worse. (Note: the steering column ignition ECU and gauge cluster are all from the donor mountaineer) over the weekend I will be trying to reprogram two new keys to the ECU to see if this alleviates my issue if it doesn’t, I am thinking about swapping to a 97 explorer ECU and wiring harness. I would love to hear yall thoughts on this potential solution. It would also give me the opportunity to clean up the mess of wiring the original owners left.
youd need the all wiring for ECM and PATS from the donor mounty iirc they all have to match as well as the keys

and welcome!

I appreciate it. Every part of the electrical system is from the donor, even the steering wheel with it’s big ole Lincoln emblem.

I appreciate it. Every part of the electrical system is from the donor, even the steering wheel with it’s big ole Lincoln emblem.
Hmm then thats interesting. Did the PO mess any wiring up? If done right if you take all the donor wiring and swap it over PATS should work.

I forgot to ask does the theft light blink raidly? iorc thays a sign of PATS issue

Welcome to the site. Does the theft light come on?

youd need the all wiring for ECM and PATS from the donor mounty iirc they all have to match as well as the keys

Hmm then thats interesting. Did the PO mess any wiring up? If done right if you take all the donor wiring and swap it over PATS should work.

I forgot to ask does the theft light blink raidly? iorc thays a sign of PATS issue
Oh yeahh, that theft like is flashing

Hmm then thats interesting. Did the PO mess any wiring up? If done right if you take all the donor wiring and swap it over PATS should work.

I forgot to ask does the theft light blink raidly? iorc thays a sign of PATS issue
Welp, hooked up the FORscan and was able to reset a bunch of PATS and it is now working again! Definitely have some grounding issues in the truck that I’ll be looking into later but for now this issue is solved!

Welp, hooked up the FORscan and was able to reset a bunch of PATS and it is now working again! Definitely have some grounding issues in the truck that I’ll be looking into later but for now this issue is solved!
glad to hear! sorry didnt respond earlier.
