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Help with parasitic draw


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July 19, 2014
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1996 Explorer
I have a 1996 Explorer, 4 door, 5.0 V-8, and am on my 4th battery this year.

The draw what was thought to be a bad stock of batteries was concluded to be parasitic, just got a multi meter.

I have 2.40+ to .70 draw coming from 60amp IP Fuse Panel "fuse"

Does anyone else have any experience on this draw I been trying to find it all week when time was provided not working.

I followed instructions from this video

Here is the fuse causing the issue 60 right top side

Here are the photos of the test at fuse panel under hood. draw?sort=3&page=1

It is so bad now if I leave battery connected the battery will drain in about 2 hours, Alt, starter, battery all test good.

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Now trying to work my way in the interior fuse box but need to shut light /door system down I thought there was a button to clamp, latching the door lock with a screwdriver is not working either. Way I understand interior fuse checks, the interior lights must be shut down by locking the door circuit but where lol?

Anyone got a solution to shutting the interior lights off when checking driver side fuse panel?

switch is in lock mechanism on door. "close" latch with tool so latch thinks door is closed. Do you have a wiring diagram to see what that fuse supplies?

I tried that already it won;t cut the lights off pushed both latches on door fully in nothing.

the lights may be on a delay

It was one of the thumbs kicking back out finally got it to work.

Isolated fuse #25 and #27

When pulled
#25 (7.5 amp fuse) - .70 draw pulled goes to .03

#27 (10 amp fuse) - .70 draw pulled goes to .28

#25 - Speedometer and GEM system?
#27 - Under hood lamp, map lights, glove box lamp, dome lamp, visor lamps, accessory delay, dimmer switch alum.

Now any suggestions on what the issue could be? Speedometer works, no lights on after delay shutoff, not sure what GEM system is #25 seems to be the issue.

Ford dealer wants $700 for this fix WTH $100 to just look at it.

In my 01 if I roll the dimmer switch all the way to the dim end there is a detent in the switch and all the interior lights will stay off even with doors open. Opposite of the interior lights on function.

In my 01 if I roll the dimmer switch all the way to the dim end there is a detent in the switch and all the interior lights will stay off even with doors open. Opposite of the interior lights on function.

this is not possible with the older models. there is no off position on the dimmer switch.

the GEM is the General Electronic Module. i believe it is located behind and to the left of the radio. it controls a lot of interior related stuff and often causes problems when it goes bad. from what i've read here GEM problems seem to be more along the lines of things not working, but who knows.

I got the door issue done the one latch kept kicking back in, I pulled out my cd player gave the GEM module a few light taps seems to have slowed the pull some.

Let it sit all evening and night after that just tested battery was at 11.55V cranked up so something I did wiggle harnesses and grounds yesterday helped a little, plus light tapping on the GEM.

It was going dead within a couple hours previously, something is still draining not been able to locate it but the 2 fuses mentioned above. :((((((

Pull your alternator fuse and let it set for an hour and see if there's been anymore draw. I went through this nightmare and the voltage regulator was draining the battery when off.

Pull your alternator fuse and let it set for an hour and see if there's been anymore draw. I went through this nightmare and the voltage regulator was draining the battery when off.

Ok will try that now
