Is this normal? 2dr Explorer things | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Is this normal? 2dr Explorer things


March 4, 2024
Reaction score
City, State
Spanish Fork, UT
Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 Explorer Sport
Ok, a couple things and I can't tell if this is just a normal thing with a 4wd or something I should look at.

1. Rear suspension seems to come down hard from a bump. The passenger side especially. If I make a sharp ish right turn the rear passenger wheel seems to come up a bit and slam back down, shaking the car. If I go over a speed bump, both shocks compress as normal and then rebound with a shudder. I'm not used to driving a RWD/4WD vehicle so is this just something that cars with a rear diff go through? I've replaced shocks at all four corners.

2. Passenger seat folds forward and slides up to let people into the back just fine. However trying to slide it back seems to take three hands: one to hold the release lever, one to slide it back, and one to move the seat back into an upright position. Not doing one of theses messes up the seat and you kind of have to do it again. I can't tell if everyone is just doing it wrong, it's broken, or a dumb design.

3. I know this is not normal but it looks like the drivers side part of the rear bumper is farther from the car than the passenger side. If I had to venture a guess, it would appear a previous owner tried towing something from the bumper hitch and the driver side loosened up. Anyone have advice on fixing that to even it out again or am I looking at frame work?

Thanks everyone.

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1: what condition are the swaybar endlinks?

Ok, a couple things and I can't tell if this is just a normal thing with a 4wd or something I should look at.

1. Rear suspension seems to come down hard from a bump. The passenger side especially. If I make a sharp ish right turn the rear passenger wheel seems to come up a bit and slam back down, shaking the car. If I go over a speed bump, both shocks compress as normal and then rebound with a shudder. I'm not used to driving a RWD/4WD vehicle so is this just something that cars with a rear diff go through? I've replaced shocks at all four corners.

2. Passenger seat folds forward and slides up to let people into the back just fine. However trying to slide it back seems to take three hands: one to hold the release lever, one to slide it back, and one to move the seat back into an upright position. Not doing one of theses messes up the seat and you kind of have to do it again. I can't tell if everyone is just doing it wrong, it's broken, or a dumb design.

3. I know this is not normal but it looks like the drivers side part of the rear bumper is farther from the car than the passenger side. If I had to venture a guess, it would appear a previous owner tried towing something from the bumper hitch and the driver side loosened up. Anyone have advice on fixing that to even it out again or am I looking at frame work?

Thanks everyone.
1. I place two 60 lb bags of Cat litter in the cargo area , too take care of the bounce.
2. The 4 door is the same. Move the seat back first, then raise the seat back up.
3. The rear bumper should be flush. Take a look under the bumper, at the brackets both sides.
The brackets are 1/2 thick steel, bolted With 5/8" bolts, too the frame.
You need too look.

Ok, a couple things and I can't tell if this is just a normal thing with a 4wd or something I should look at.

1. Rear suspension seems to come down hard from a bump. The passenger side especially. If I make a sharp ish right turn the rear passenger wheel seems to come up a bit and slam back down, shaking the car. If I go over a speed bump, both shocks compress as normal and then rebound with a shudder. I'm not used to driving a RWD/4WD vehicle so is this just something that cars with a rear diff go through? I've replaced shocks at all four corners.

2. Passenger seat folds forward and slides up to let people into the back just fine. However trying to slide it back seems to take three hands: one to hold the release lever, one to slide it back, and one to move the seat back into an upright position. Not doing one of theses messes up the seat and you kind of have to do it again. I can't tell if everyone is just doing it wrong, it's broken, or a dumb design.

3. I know this is not normal but it looks like the drivers side part of the rear bumper is farther from the car than the passenger side. If I had to venture a guess, it would appear a previous owner tried towing something from the bumper hitch and the driver side loosened up. Anyone have advice on fixing that to even it out again or am I looking at frame work?

Thanks everyone.
Hey there, check your body mounts, those can cause issues with ride quality. And being 23 years old with rubber body mounts chances are they’re blown or rotted out at this point. Passenger seat folding seems to be similar for me. I think it’s just a silly design. I find that once the seat is all the way forward it slides pretty easy so to set it back into place, use one arm to slide and one arm to activate the lean lever. As soon as that seat isn’t sat all the way forward, the seat will lock to the rail and stop sliding. I’ve found this method wayyyy easier to deal with the seat.

Hey there, check your body mounts, those can cause issues with ride quality. And being 23 years old with rubber body mounts chances are they’re blown or rotted out at this point. Passenger seat folding seems to be similar for me. I think it’s just a silly design. I find that once the seat is all the way forward it slides pretty easy so to set it back into place, use one arm to slide and one arm to activate the lean lever. As soon as that seat isn’t sat all the way forward, the seat will lock to the rail and stop sliding. I’ve found this method wayyyy easier to deal with the seat.
Thank you! I just found another thread on a different site suggesting the same thing. From there I found this link for polyurethane upgrades for it including instructions!

Thank you! I just found another thread on a different site suggesting the same thing. From there I found this link for polyurethane upgrades for it including instructions!
I’ve still got to do my body mounts so I have a similar feel. New shocks are far better than what it was before but body mounts help with that sort of “slam” feeling when hitting bumps. Will also improve cabin noise since it won’t be metal on metal.

1. I place two 60 lb bags of Cat litter in the cargo area , too take care of the bounce.
2. The 4 door is the same. Move the seat back first, then raise the seat back up.
3. The rear bumper should be flush. Take a look under the bumper, at the brackets both sides.
The brackets are 1/2 thick steel, bolted With 5/8" bolts, too the frame.
You need too look.
Ok, here's what I found. It looks like everything is bolted securely but you can see that gap between the bumper and rear quarter panel. Also, (it's kinda hard to see) but the driver side is further out than the passenger side.

Pic 1: top looking down. Driver side (left) looks farther from body than passenger (right)

Pic 2: (reversed due to camera) driver side rear bumper gap from body

Pic 3: underside of driver side rear bumper mount looking out from center of vehicle

Pic 4: underside of driver side rear bumper mount looking towards vehicle center

In the third picture It looked like the bracket is crushed a little. The bracket should be 90 degree bent.
What about the other side bracket? Please label the pictures or give a index. Thanks
Picture 1. Looks like driver side is lower.
Picture 2 . pass side gap.
Picture 3. Driver side bracket, looking outward from under the vehicle looking out.
Picture 4. Driver side bracket, looking in the direction toward the pass side

In the third picture It looked like the bracket is crushed a little. The bracket should be 90 degree bent.
What about the other side bracket? Please label the pictures or give a index. Thanks
Picture 1. Looks like driver side is lower.
Picture 2 . pass side gap.
Picture 3. Driver side bracket, looking outward from under the vehicle looking out.
Picture 4. Driver side bracket, looking in the direction toward the pass side
So sorry, you ar correct on all except pic 2 is the driver side gap. I was under the car and had it in selfie mode and it reversed the pic.

So sorry, you ar correct on all except pic 2 is the driver side gap. I was under the car and had it in selfie mode and it reversed the pic.
What the gap between both sides?
There is no adjustment in the mounting bolt holes on the bracket.
I guest is too remove the bracket and straighten it out. Presoak the hardware first with PB or equal.
