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Keys and Remote Control PIU 2015


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July 18, 2021
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2015 PIU
I wanted to program a new remote control according to the instruction manual, but after inserting the key in the ignition and cycle eight times rapidly the door does not lock/unlock.
(The lock / unlock buttons on the doors are working)

I have only one original key without a remote control (as in the photo), is it possible that I do not have the control unit or it has been disconnected?
Key FPIU 2015.jpeg

I will mention that my immobilizer does not work in the car, at the locksmith I made two keys with remote controls and ... surprise ... I started the engine before we programmed the transponder chip; p
Add Key FPIU 2015.jpeg

Now I do not know if it is possible at all.
Thanks for any hint ;)

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These vehicles do not have PATS or chip keys. They use old school "fleet" keys...
I thought so, exactly, like my favorite men Clint Eastwood;)
I've already come to terms with the lack of immo;)
I really care about unlocking / locking the car remotely with a remote control key,
Does the car have a remote control unit at all? Do I have to buy a new universal one? friend can connect to the car (OBD) using Autel IM508, select Explorer or Explorer Sport Truck and encode the key's immo and radio from the key's remote,
Is it possible without an immobiliser?

I thought so, exactly, like my favorite men Clint Eastwood;)
I've already come to terms with the lack of immo;)
I really care about unlocking / locking the car remotely with a remote control key,
Does the car have a remote control unit at all? Do I have to buy a new universal one? friend can connect to the car (OBD) using Autel IM508, select Explorer or Explorer Sport Truck and encode the key's immo and radio from the key's remote,
Is it possible without an immobiliser?
If the vehicle has tire pressure monitoring, you can add key fobs. (I can't speak to the keys you bought) I used the separate fobs.

I don't understand your last question. But...the equipment isn't in the utility to utilize chip, PATS, keys.

If the vehicle has tire pressure monitoring, you can add key fobs.
what is the procedure for adding key fobs? (inserting the ignition key and quickly cycle 8 times and the door should be lock / unlock.)

I don't understand your last question
I know that the immobilizer has nothing to do with remote control, but as I mentioned, my friend has a program that allows you to add a key fob.
I wanted to make sure if I lock / unlock all the locks on the doors and the trunk in the car with the button on the door, the vehicle is definitely equipped with a central lock control?

ThankU Matt!

what is the procedure for adding key fobs? (inserting the ignition key and quickly cycle 8 times and the door should be lock / unlock.)

I know that the immobilizer has nothing to do with remote control, but as I mentioned, my friend has a program that allows you to add a key fob.
I wanted to make sure if I lock / unlock all the locks on the doors and the trunk in the car with the button on the door, the vehicle is definitely equipped with a central lock control?

ThankU Matt!
Yes...if you have tire pressure have keyless entry. If the key fob is should have control of the doors only with the door button...and the tailgate with the tailgate button..

Yes...if you have tire pressure have keyless entry. If the key fob is should have control of the doors only with the door button...and the tailgate with the tailgate button..
What if I don't have tire pressure monitoring? It remains to program the key fob using a computer and a special program? There are videos on YouTube where you can program the key fob with a simple procedure described by me in previous posts and this is also the case in the manual. I tried in my PIU but it was not possible to enter the programming mode (the door does not lock / unlock). Maybe I'm doing this procedure incorrectly?
Thank U

What if I don't have tire pressure monitoring? It remains to program the key fob using a computer and a special program? There are videos on YouTube where you can program the key fob with a simple procedure described by me in previous posts and this is also the case in the manual. I tried in my PIU but it was not possible to enter the programming mode (the door does not lock / unlock). Maybe I'm doing this procedure incorrectly?
Thank U
I can only speak to Utilties, 2016 and later about TPMS, etc.

I was able to program a 2015 sedan from the driver's seat with only the fobs and ignition on and off 8 times (if memory serves). At the same time, we were playing around with Forscan, but I don't remember if we needed that for the fobs.

Yes...if you have tire pressure have keyless entry. If the key fob is should have control of the doors only with the door button...and the tailgate with the tailgate button..
Hi Matt,
The TPMS is working;) So what can I do next?

Hi Matt,
The TPMS is working;) So what can I do next?
As written experience is 2016 and later. My understanding is that the TPMS and keyless entry are in the make module. In a friend's '15 sedan....keyfobs were enabled with the ignition on-off 8 times, door lock buttons sequence.

Hi Matt,
check it post#5: PATS it possible in my PIU?
I have no idea on a '15. I wouldn't bother adding it on mine. I already set up the perimeter alarm on mine...

Hello to all Explorers,
I hope it will help future owners of Ford Explorer vehicles.

I was able to start the Remote Keyless Entry (RKE) - it works. :)
I had to enable RKE in BCM (forscan;)
and then I had to program the fob kyes (a small note that is not in the user manual) The driver's DOOR must be open!
Otherwise it does not enter the mode program.

On this occasion, maybe some of you will know why the fob only opens the driver's door with one press? I have to press the unlock button twice to unlock all the locks. The lock button works normally - it locks all doors with one press.

Are there any settings where I can change this so that all the locks open with 1 press of unlock (fob)?
(I will mention that I do not have RKE settings in the car)


On this occasion, maybe some of you will know why the fob only opens the driver's door with one press? I have to press the unlock button twice to unlock all the locks. The lock button works normally - it locks all doors with one press.

Are there any settings where I can change this so that all the locks open with 1 press of unlock (fob)?
(I will mention that I do not have RKE settings in the car)
I don't know if the following will work in your case since you don't have the RKE settings.


I don't know if the following will work in your case since you don't have the RKE settings.
Eee..It doesn't work ;(
In my PIU 2015 manual, the procedure is exactly the same.
A small note - when unlocking the door remotely, the parking lights come on, not as described in the manual (The trun signal will flash).

Anyway, as already mentioned, the procedure for adding a new remote key according to the instructions is incorrect (no relevant information that the driver's door must be open!). So I am not surprised that the above procedure (Disable two-stage unlock) also does not work; p.

Maybe in Forscan, in addition to turning on the RKE, something else needs to be done to make the RKE settings appear in the car.

Eee..It doesn't work ;(
In my PIU 2015 manual, the procedure is exactly the same.
A small note - when unlocking the door remotely, the parking lights come on, not as described in the manual (The trun signal will flash).

Anyway, as already mentioned, the procedure for adding a new remote key according to the instructions is incorrect (no relevant information that the driver's door must be open!). So I am not surprised that the above procedure (Disable two-stage unlock) also does not work; p.

Maybe in Forscan, in addition to turning on the RKE, something else needs to be done to make the RKE settings appear in the car.
Did you ever figure this out

Eee..It doesn't work ;(
In my PIU 2015 manual, the procedure is exactly the same.
A small note - when unlocking the door remotely, the parking lights come on, not as described in the manual (The trun signal will flash).

Anyway, as already mentioned, the procedure for adding a new remote key according to the instructions is incorrect (no relevant information that the driver's door must be open!). So I am not surprised that the above procedure (Disable two-stage unlock) also does not work; p.

Maybe in Forscan, in addition to turning on the RKE, something else needs to be done to make the RKE settings appear in the car.
Have you looked in the IPC module in Forscan?, typically there are RKE settings there as well. I believe that's where I can change the driver door/unlock all settings.

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The first thing you have to do is enable keyless entry in FORscan. Open/close driver door to "reset." Cycle ignition 8x. Hit a button on each fob. Just did it a couple weeks ago in my '15 PIU.
