Need help to identify part | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Need help to identify part


Elite Explorer
October 7, 2015
Reaction score
City, State
Hazel Park
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000, 5.0 Eddie Bauer
Hey guys. I just need help to identify this part. I may not have to replace it, but the wire connector snapped off. Can I remove it without getting blasted with coolant/oil or should I take it off while I have them both drained (I'm changing oil and coolant soon anyways).

First pic is taken from bottom of engine ( you can see main crank pulley and oil pan) second pic is a close up.




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That's your oil pressure sensor, you can take it off ,but don't start it up with it off.

The cover looks broken, should be all white plastic iirc
Not sure if that affects functionality or not, prob not

The cover looks broken, should be all white plastic iirc
Not sure if that affects functionality or not, prob not

That one is plastic, if the plastic was broken you would lose oil out of it as soon as you started it up.
Had one break on me , (oil all over the place).

The cover looks broken, should be all white plastic iirc
Not sure if that affects functionality or not, prob not

I'm not sure either. I will probably just replace it. $7 for a new one.

I'm not sure either. I will probably just replace it. $7 for a new one.

I took a better look at the picture and it does seem to be cracked. I would replace it also.

I took a better look at the picture and it does seem to be cracked. I would replace it also.

This is now the last thing I need to do to the engine (besides fuel changes) thanks for the help!
