radio and 4x4 stolen help me identify missing parts | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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radio and 4x4 stolen help me identify missing parts

Awesome on Monday looks like I will be able to start splicing wires!

The easiest way to splice wires is to get a bunch of these little white thimble-looking things you can buy at most auto parts stores and get yourself a decent wire stripper/crimping tool. You can also use the red-sized (small) butt connectors, but you'll need to make twice as many crimps. I like to use "the tooth" part of the crimping tool as it makes a much stronger crimp. Soldering and shrink wrap is a better option, but a lot more work. With as many connections as you'll have to make, I'd crimp. It'll be fine.

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There are a few wires that seem to appear in more than one pig tail.
Specifically red with a black stripe. Any thoughts on how to make sure this ends up in the right pig tail? Appears to fog lights rear defroster and rear wiper? I'm hoping it's a power wire? Perhaps it doesn't matter as log as they each have it?

That red with a black stripe that repeats in the different pigtails is the switch illumination. So it's the same for all the switches. No worries.


And the black wire?

When the faceplate comes I will have an idea of how good my splicing was
And then it's onto the audio system
I really appreciate the help from everyone

Is it typically easier to install single or double din style head unit?

Ground, got it thank you.

Parts are here! Get to plug in and see if my splicing worked!

Great news! The console faceplate fits very nicely, all of the accessories work in my splices all seem to have worked well!
I do want to really thank you all and thank you Albi!
The next stage is getting that we are glass fixed, by the body shop.



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Final product


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Very nice! Great job!

So about a month later here and the head unit started popping out and forward any thought?

Got it figured out there is a tab that I didn't take off of the head unit kit and now with the cold weather the plastic probably isn't as maluable.


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