radio and 4x4 stolen help me identify missing parts | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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radio and 4x4 stolen help me identify missing parts


Well-Known Member
March 14, 2005
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2001 XLT
Hey! So I just recently hit 200k miles! And then my car got broken into.
They stole some stuff and ripped out the center console. Please help me identify the parts I need to put this back together. I have attached the center console that remains


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radio bezel, 4x4 switch, fog light button, rear defogger button and a radio, cigarette lighter/power port (and a radio adaptor if you had an aftermarket radio).

The bezel w/switches can be found on ebay or the salvage yard, but your biggest problem is that they cut all the wires. To get replacement wiring/plugs the salvage yard is your best bet. Then you'll have to splice them in. If they cut your antenna lead that's a pain to replace, but it doesn't appear that they did.

I did have an aftermarket radio hooked up to an amp that is gone.
I am going to label the wires to see if I can figure out which ones go where.
I will have to work on getting good at splicing wires.
My goal is to fix everything and leave the radio for last.
I will repost with the wires numbered on ones that I cannot identify.

I'm pretty sure I still have the radio bezel with all the switches still attached. I can include all of the wiring/switch plugs and pig tails if you're interested. I'll check for sure when I get home from work today. PM me if you're interested. :)

P.S. - What's up koda. Hows the trac doing? Sorry for the slight highjack Brownpsu78.

Any thoughts on fixing a window by myself? Does it just glue in?


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Replacing that small window is a huge job. You have to strip the entire door of all it's internal parts. I just had to do this job to remove the larger rear door window to replace the brackets. Pay someone to it unless you've got more time than money.

I'm pretty sure I still have the radio bezel with all the switches still attached. I can include all of the wiring/switch plugs and pig tails if you're interested. I'll check for sure when I get home from work today. PM me if you're interested. :)

P.S. - What's up koda. Hows the trac doing? Sorry for the slight highjack Brownpsu78.

Hey Al - The Trac's on hold right now. Working on my daughter's AWD.

Any thoughts on fixing a window by myself? Does it just glue in?

It might be possible. When I replaced my aluminum trim, I had that small window tilted out at one point. Might have been easy to change out at that point. Unsure if it glued in or whatnot. I think it was not though. I think I was trying to be careful so it did not fall out.

You can look at my how-to for more info:

Good to know

OP, you don't need to figure out what all the cut wires do. Just match the color coding to the replacement wires. The plugs are all unique. You can't plug them into their respective switches incorrectly.

Koda great point
I'll start with the dash and then look at that rear window
Aside from the pigtails are there any springs or additional trim pieces or bolts needed to make the sidebuttons work?

No, they're all attached to the trim bezel. The radio bezel should have some metal spring clips on it and you'll need the 2 screws(7mm) that secure the trim above the climate controls. Other than that as soon as you splice in the pig tails and plug in the switches you're good to go. Well you'll need a radio, but that can be installed after the trim piece is on.

Aside from the front cover is there a structural back piece needed to seat a radio?

Nope. Just the lower track that the rear support rides on. I saw in your pics that it's still there. Stock radio has that rear support attached, You might need it for and after market radio.

Who steals radios anymore? Is this 1982?

The Meta (Metra?) radio adaptor kits for Fords come with the track slide piece.

What a pain that they cut all the wires..

There's a couple different versions of the radio bezel depending on your options.

Did you have fog lights?

Other than that, it's best to grab one from a junkyard..

Who steals radios anymore? Is this 1982?

What a pain that they cut all the wires..

There's a couple different versions of the radio bezel depending on your options.

Did you have fog lights?

Other than that, it's best to grab one from a junkyard..

I was thinking the same things. You can buy all this **** online used for next to nothing. Why risk jail time or huge fines and a record. Hell people are crazy enough to shoot someone over a 25 dollar radio these days if they catch you stealing their ****. Then again I guess the people who do this are a bunch of dip**** morons anyway so probably don't even think of the consequences.

God I hate people. I'm sure OP would have gladly bought the guy a brand new radio and amp for all the damage he did to his truck that he now has to fix. Why is it that the movie the Purge comes to mind right about now?

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Awesome on Monday looks like I will be able to start splicing wires!
