New garage at the Horwitz house | Page 11 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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New garage at the Horwitz house

Since I started working on my Dodge Dart about 4 years ago, the Pumpkin lost it's home and had been stored outside. For three years the Mustang was stored outside under a cover. Since the Dart has been finished, I moved the Mustang back into the garage, but we needed more room to store vehicles so I could work on new projects in the attached garage.

To fulfill our needs we're building a 30x40 garage in the backyard for storage only, not as a shop. We broke ground on the project today getting the pad cleared of all the oleanders, piles of rock, sand, etc. Now we're just waiting on the county for our permits. :thumbsup: Unfortunately, unlike Jeff, I won't be doing any of the construction on this garage as I'm woodworking challenged;) We hired a contractor for this project.

Here are the first shots.... Nothing much to see, but I guess that's the point at this stage:D

Because of the way we have the landscaping set up around the house, we won't even be able to see the garage from the back of the house looking straight back. That's perfect as it won't get in the way of our view.




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I have a small one car garage which is loaded with junk. Every time I start to clean it out more junk appears in there out of nowhere. The ceiling is low with no room to use a lift. Some houses on my block never had a gargage while others had a garage which was removed years ago. These neighbors don't work on cars, and the people with a garage never park in there. They park one car in the driveway, and three or more of their cars on the street. Now you know why there's no street parking unless somebody pulls out.

Every time I start to clean it out more junk appears in there out of nowhere.
You married? Kids? I highly doubt it's a neighborhood conspiracy. When I look at the pictures of this garage, makes me realize what I'm missing. When I swapped transmissions in my van I remember laying on the hot concrete working. I'm too old for that now.

Portable lift options are a thing now, pillars you roll into the shop, pick up whatever and when done roll them back into storage

Once you have one lift then you want more! All types!
I have a relationship with vertical transportation, so that may explain it

If I could afford them I would buy a set for the RV. I've seen them at RV service centers. At least the RV has its own hydraulic jacks. Along with jackstands I can at least get under to do maintenance.

You married? Kids? I highly doubt it's a neighborhood conspiracy. When I look at the pictures of this garage, makes me realize what I'm missing. When I swapped transmissions in my van I remember laying on the hot concrete working. I'm too old for that now.
When I moved to AZ in '84 I changed careers because of the working conditions for mechanics. Back then most of the shops were outside. The car in the lift provided all the shade their was at a lot of places. Even a big Ford dealer did all their work in the open. I remember seeing transmissions pulled apart outside during dust storm \ monsoon season and couldn't believe my eyes.

When I moved to AZ in '84 I changed careers because of the working conditions for mechanics. Back then most of the shops were outside. The car in the lift provided all the shade their was at a lot of places. Even a big Ford dealer did all their work in the open. I remember seeing transmissions pulled apart outside during dust storm \ monsoon season and couldn't believe my eyes.
a tarp tent and evaporative cooler was luxury back in the day. My single car carport has a new roof 12 feet high. I'm going to get a hoist that rolls on I beam. I'll have 2 beams so I can pick my car up if needed. I'll get a mini split A/C as well.

Can't get rid of it, I may need it one day.

Cleans garage and dumps boxes of stuff.

Two weeks later...

Dang I knew I shouldn't have gotten rid of that widget, now I have to buy a new one!
I've got a friend like that. Seems like an open garage door with a free sign pointed at it would move some of the stuff.

My almost 97 yr old father-in-law's entire house and garage look like that, only not as neat. We've filled 2 roll-offs at different times and within a month, you couldn't tell we'd tossed anything, which seems impossible since he can't get out to get more crap anymore.

I once met a guy who was downsizing from a very large house in a wealthy neighborhood to a duplex in preparation for a move to Florida. We were hired to move what was left. He said they had a yard sale with ridiculously low prices with the condition that anyone buying anything had to take another item of their choice at no cost.

My 93 year old friend, I haven't sat on his couch in over 20 years cause all the junk accumulated over the years. He's cleaned house a few times but the piles always return. After he dies, I'll be the one to clean the place out. What scares me about that is, 90% is trash and 10% is extremely valuable. I won't know the difference.

Same here.

Americans just have too much stuff!!!
George Carlin summed it all up perfectly
