Building a new garage to house the Ponies | Page 6 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Building a new garage to house the Ponies

Instead of cluttering up the other thread with my bs, I'll start a new one here.

I'm in the process of building a 36' wide x 27' deep 3 car garage for my Mustangs and other projects. It's going to be 2x6 construction with 9' 6" walls and attic trusses. I'll have about 430 sq ft. of storage space above the garage. It's going to have three 9' x 7' garage doors across the front, a 5' x 7 foot "golfcart" garage door on one side and a 36" man door on the back. Planning on doing a set of swing down stairs to get into the attic. Not a standard pulldown, but a full size set of stairs set on a pivot and lifted with an electric motor. It will be sided to look like my house.

Here are the pix:












Got my slab done..only took several days to dry...The slab is fiberglass reinforced concrete.



Foundation is just about done. They're coming back later in the week to pour the walls full with concrete and put the j-bolts in.



Block walls are now filled with concrete and the j-bolts are in. Next up is framing :)



New garage has arrived in kit form (minus the trusses).



Cut 84 2 x 6's into wall studs. Had to quit before rain rolled in. Here's a shot with the Explorer on the pad to give an idea of the size of the garage.


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It looks great. :thumbsup:

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Getting close to having all the siding up. Got 3.5 sides done now.



My goal was to make it match the house and look like it was always there. I'm pretty happy with the result. Add some shutters and I think I accomplished what I wanted to.


Fantastic job. Sure does look like it's always been there:chug:

Getting closer. Just have this to finish on the siding, but the weather isn't cooperating...


Mini roll up door for a garden tractor?

Mini roll up door for a garden tractor?

5' wide, 7' high 4 panel garage door for said garden tractor or other stuff I want to bring in and out without having to move the cars around. Door was custom made by Overhead Door Co.

Alright, now let's call one of those companies that move houses and stuff to new locations, and have them move your garage to my place. :p Lol.

That's an amazing garage though. If you ever move out, let me know, I'll move in. :D haha.

Great work.

Got oh so close to being finished but the weather kicked in again :(


5' wide, 7' high 4 panel garage door for said garden tractor or other stuff I want to bring in and out without having to move the cars around. Door was custom made by Overhead Door Co.

Cool idea :thumbsup:

This is a repeat pix, but you can see the side door open in this view.


Hmm...I think something like this would look good parked in the 3rd bay of the garage :)


FINALLY done the siding.





Next up is gutters and a gate between the house and the garage.

Nice Work! You could rename the thread Building a new HOUSE to garage the Ponies!!

Got my gutters on now. Exterior is now pretty much finished. Shutters and outside lights are all that is left, and they probably won't go on until next year.




That looks amazing. Very nice work!

Well, it's not next year, but we did add the exterior lights :)



And I got the garage wired up and put my circuit board in. Now I have to run a feed from my house to the garage.


That box looks way to clean. Dang engineers;)

Messy wiring drives me crazy. I've always been really particular about my wiring. The panel in my basement looks about the same.

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The corral looks really good, as does the sub panel. Keep up the good work.
