New shower head.... suggestions? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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New shower head.... suggestions?

The wife and I need a new shower head for the master bath. Not looking to spend a fortune, but we want something nice that'll last.

-Must have a hand-held... whether it's a 'hanging' hand-held or a head with a diverter and separate hand-held, it doesn't matter... just has to have a hand-held.
-Most have a relatively coarse spray available. We both tend to like a coarse spray pattern. I can't remember the last time either of us changed to a massager setting or the slow trickle spray...
-Cannot be gold/brass/bronze. Nickel, brushed, chrome, silver or white work.
-No fins sprays... the ones with like needle-streams of water hurt (and tickle the scalp for those of us folicularly-challenged folks)

Lowes and Home Depot didn't have anything that really screamed out 'take us home' last night... I wish they had a display set up with running water through them so you could see all the heads in action.

Any suggestions?

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...I know about finding one setting and only using that forever...I did however used one recently and I really liked it...It was made by Waterpic...I turned it to the pulsating setting for my neck and shoulders and it was fantastic..:eek:

...It went from low flow to hyper pulse, I couldn't believe how well it worked...I thought I would add this while you are shopping around...I have used many other brands but was impressed with this one...

I got mine from Wal-Mart. It's a plastic handheld that hangs up. It only has one spray pattern but it's plenty of flow and comfortable... I have a pretty thick head of hair when my 'fro is out and it penetrates fine... but it's not so strong it hurts.. Also has an on/kinda off switch.

It was 14 dollars at Wal-Mart, not sure of the brand though.

Check out Costco....they always seem to have a nice one.;)

I was just going to say Costco- they have 3 nice setups in the store right now...

You joined a forum about vehicles to post in a 11 year old thread about shower heads. THANKS

You joined a forum about vehicles to post in a 11 year old thread about shower heads. THANKS

He posted a spam link. Now he's gone ;)
