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New SYNC Update 23188


Explorer Addict
February 18, 2020
Reaction score
City, State
Mondovi, WI
Year, Model & Trim Level
2020 Explorer ST
Ford has released a new SYNC update this morning.

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Downloaded and installed. Uploaded to Ford and it shows there. So all went well. Hope it does for others also.

Any change log?

Downloaded and installed. Uploaded to Ford and it shows there. So all went well. Hope it does for others also.
Downloaded to USB, Updated my vehicle, Confirmed with Ford website!
I hooked up the battery charger and pressed the START button to turn the ignition ON without starting the engine, then performed the USB update.
Easy as Cake!

I have it on a USB drive now. How long did it take to load into the vehicle. I was told 30-45 minutes on the Aviator forum. Is that about right?


I have it on a USB drive now. How long did it take to load into the vehicle. I was told 30-45 minutes on the Aviator forum. Is that about right?

20 minutes

Did you format the USB or FAT 32 or exFAT? The instructions mention exFAT if you are using Sync 3 but I believe a member on the Lincoln forum used FAT32 and thought that was faster.


Did you format the USB or FAT 32 or exFAT? The instructions mention exFAT if you are using Sync 3 but I believe a member on the Lincoln forum used FAT32 and thought that was faster.

Mine is formated to exFat.

Did you format the USB or FAT 32 or exFAT? The instructions mention exFAT if you are using Sync 3 but I believe a member on the Lincoln forum used FAT32 and thought that was faster.

I formatted the USB as exFAT.

Mine cant get automatic updates. And i cant see when i log in

Mine cant get automatic updates. And i cant see when i log in
You won't get auto updates. You have to use the download to computer to USB method. If you log into your account and check for updates it should be there although sometimes it seems that Ford rolls out certain updates over a period of time.


You won't get auto updates. You have to use the download to computer to USB method. If you log into your account and check for updates it should be there although sometimes it seems that Ford rolls out certain updates over a period of time.

It updated to 3.4.21194 via wifi. Then for 3.4.22251 i used usb. On the web it still shows "Update Available3.4.22251". Probably it will show up in a few days like you said. I just updated to map to 2.22

It updated to 3.4.21194 via wifi. Then for 3.4.22251 i used usb. On the web it still shows "Update Available3.4.22251". Probably it will show up in a few days like you said. I just updated to map to 2.22
I think mine also updated via WiFi for 21194 + maps but that was quite a while ago. 22251 is the version that is now being replaced by 23188.
When you did the 22251 update did you report the successful update to Ford by sending them the XML file that it put on the USB.?


I downloaded the update on my Mac and loaded it in the same usb I’d used for previous updates on my 2020…. Updated in about 25 min while driving…. Had to power down and open the car door and then power up before it took hold. Right away it fixed some of the issues I was having (like ford connect not connecting)…. Only drove back home for 30 min with it… but it held settings with 3 restarts which is more than I can say for the previous build….

Just updated today via USB cause it couldn't find it. Wifi wise in my fusion let's hope this fixes its stupid issues

I think mine also updated via WiFi for 21194 + maps but that was quite a while ago. 22251 is the version that is now being replaced by 23188.
When you did the 22251 update did you report the successful update to Ford by sending them the XML file that it put on the USB.?

Wifi update was about 1 year ago. Update to 22251 7-8 month ago. I never been successful to upload xml. Always errors...

I updated via USB. Took about 25 minutes. However, I’m a little confused with .xml step in the instructions. Do you just click on the xml file and open it? I think I’m missing something on that.

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I updated via USB. Took about 25 minutes. However, I’m a little confused with .xml step in the instructions. Do you just click on the xml file and open it? I think I’m missing something on that.

There is a clickable link in those instructions where you upload that XML file to ford. When you click that link it will open up your computer directory and you just need to point it to the XML file on the USB you just removed from the car after updating. Then Ford will update your current SYNC version as 23188.

No info on what actually changed/updated?
The most important thing is it fixes the memory issues that occured with 22251. In fact, if your RWDATA memory is full, there's a script on the USB to clear it before installing 23188.

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