Sync 3.4 Update 21020 and OTA Updates | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Sync 3.4 Update 21020 and OTA Updates


Explorer Addict
February 18, 2020
Reaction score
City, State
Mondovi, WI
Year, Model & Trim Level
2020 Explorer ST
Just checked the Ford website and Sync 3.4 21020 is available for update. Just started downloading it.

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Thanks Dale. I have it shown as available as well. Tried to see if I could use the WiFi but no go. Curius as to how long this one takes to update in the vehicle.


Thanks Dale. I have it shown as available as well. Tried to see if I could use the WiFi but no go. Curius as to how long this one takes to update in the vehicle.

Mine took just under 25 minutes. Just turned the ignition on without starting the vehicle.

Thanks Dale. I have it shown as available as well. Tried to see if I could use the WiFi but no go. Curius as to how long this one takes to update in the vehicle.


It'll be OTA this time. Not sure when they'll kick it on for the particular vehicle programs though.

It'll be OTA this time. Not sure when they'll kick it on for the particular vehicle programs though.
UofME... It recognized through Wifi there was an update available today but after 40% bar at about an hour is gave up. Is Wifi update ever going to work? Let alone OTA???? Companies have been doing OTA updates for years and Ford still can't???
I ended up doing USB update and it took about 20 min in truck to update.

UofME... It recognized through Wifi there was an update available today but after 40% bar at about an hour is gave up. Is Wifi update ever going to work? Let alone OTA???? Companies have been doing OTA updates for years and Ford still can't???
I ended up doing USB update and it took about 20 min in truck to update.

What file was downloading? There are map updates going out as well that are rather large and will take a bit to download. Else, no idea. Sometimes those progress bars aren’t really representative of actual progress. Probably was still working on a file. Run the check again and it may pick up the new map files and start that process if it wasn’t those.

Just a heads up for anyone using Mac, it's creates an ERROR05 because Mac doesn't bring a specific file across.

I switched to Windows and it worked, but FYI the maps don't get updated just the OS

Have to hit up Cyanlabs for Maps.

Absolutely embarrassing in 2021 the system has this much complexity and the process is so convoluted.

OTA is waste of time.

What file was downloading? There are map updates going out as well that are rather large and will take a bit to download. Else, no idea. Sometimes those progress bars aren’t really representative of actual progress. Probably was still working on a file. Run the check again and it may pick up the new map files and start that process if it wasn’t those.
Installed the Sync update with USB. When I try to upload the XML file I keep getting an error message. Any Idea what I need to do to fix that?
Trying to do an OTA update right now fora TAR.GZ file right that I'm guessing is for the map. Will see how it goes.

Installed the Sync update with USB. When I try to upload the XML file I keep getting an error message. Any Idea what I need to do to fix that?
Trying to do an OTA update right now fora TAR.GZ file right that I'm guessing is for the map. Will see how it goes.

No need now that you ran the check to grab the map. It’ll update the info in the system that way. You’ll end up getting another large file as well as the map comes down in the map and voice chunks.

Well the TAR.GZ file was not for the map. But it did complete OTA and now the Ford Owners site is showing my Sync is up to date.

Well the TAR.GZ file was not for the map. But it did complete OTA and now the Ford Owners site is showing my Sync is up to date.
So after one USB update yesterday and one OTA update today, I just had a second OTA update. Both of the OTA updates downloaded and installed. But I have no idea what either one was for.

So after one USB update yesterday and one OTA update today, I just had a second OTA update. Both of the OTA updates downloaded and installed. But I have no idea what either one was for.
Looks like one of the update was for the map. Mine is now showing NA 220. And it is loading a new OTA update this morning. That makes 3 OTA updates so far.

Installed the 34.1.2120 update from USB, all went well except it did not generate the file to load back to the Ford website showing my vehicle has been updated. It generated a XML file but constantly get an error code trying to upload to Ford's Sync Update site.

Installed the 34.1.2120 update from USB, all went well except it did not generate the file to load back to the Ford website showing my vehicle has been updated. It generated a XML file but constantly get an error code trying to upload to Ford's Sync Update site.
It did the same thing for me. But after doing the OTA update it looks like that doesn't need to be done as the Ford Owners website is showing that mine is up to date.

Installed the 34.1.2120 update from USB, all went well except it did not generate the file to load back to the Ford website showing my vehicle has been updated. It generated a XML file but constantly get an error code trying to upload to Ford's Sync Update site.
I had that same problem 2 updates ago and it seems that it did the notification via WiFi as a few days later my account showed it was there and up to date. I have the current one on my USB stick and will load it into the vehicle in a day or so.


Did mine today on my '20 ST and it seemed to complete with no issues. Must be mostly a "bug fix" involving bugs I don't have ... because I can't really see any difference yet ... maybe a fraction of a second faster from screen to screen. Perhaps just my imagination!!

FWIW - when building the USB drive, I did make sure I matched the screenshots on the instructions. When I downloaded the files on my Mac, it decompressed into one folder with the two index files plus all of the TAR.GZ files in one folder:
Screen Shot 2021-05-03 at 1.26.03 PM.png
I created a SYNCMYRIDE folder, and moved all of the TAR.GZ files there and then I made sure modified the file names to look right:
Screen Shot 2021-05-03 at 1.32.28 PM.png

Worked like a charm. I had a lot of trouble with the last update failing because of the file names and it would not work until I created a subfolder and moved them there along with the necessary changes in file names. Not sure if this issue affects Windows users or not.


Did mine today on my 20 ST and it seemed to complete with no issues. Must be mostly a "bug fix" involving bugs I don't have ... because I can't really see any difference yet ... maybe a fraction of a second faster from screen to screen. Perhaps just my imagination!!

Have you tried checking for OTA updates? When I did my map was updated to NA 220

Have you tried checking for OTA updates? When I did my map was updated to NA 220
Not yet ... I'll definitely give that a try!! Thanks!!


Not yet ... I'll definitely give that a try!! Thanks!!

Just a heads up. Found out that the download can be done just by turning the radio on. That was the only way I know of to keep the WIFI connected other than turning the ignition on. And there were 5 different files that have downloaded for me so far.

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Just a heads up. Found out that the download can be done just by turning the radio on. That was the only way I know of to keep the WIFI connected other than turning the ignition on. And there were 5 different files that have downloaded for me so far.
I noticed that this time when going through the steps to download to the computer it mentioned adding your VIN. Did you do that? I didn't. I wasn't sure if that was just to give it a file name or not. I hope to load it into the vehicle tomorrow. Thanks.

