New tires for 2022 Timberline | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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New tires for 2022 Timberline


March 15, 2022
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2022 Timberline
Looking for opinions on tire replacement for my 2022 Timberline . Any suggestions ?

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You need replacement tires already?
Here is a thread from the 5th gen. Time for tires


that would be strange for a Timberline, the tires are Revo Bridgestones and look like they would go 50-60k miles before replacement.

that would be strange for a Timberline, the tires are Revo Bridgestones and look like they would go 50-60k miles before replacement.
The Timberline in my dealer's showroom has Bridgestone Duellers on it.


The Timberline in my dealer's showroom has Bridgestone Duellers on it.


Really that is strange, maybe they switched due to availability. I did notice the Revo's are out of stock most places. It doesn't really matter what tires you put on a Timberline. You will never see above 24 mpg generally and most of the time it will be 21-22 mpgs. However, I can attest that the Timberline has some serious off road ability.

Could be the OP just wants new rubber/something different more aggressive/better off-road

Could be the OP just wants new rubber/something different more aggressive/better off-road
The Bridgestone Duelers I saw on the Timberline in my dealer's showroom already had some pretty aggressive rubber on it. Much more than I wou;d want on a road tire. I believe this was the one.


I have been looking at this myself due to tires wearing out, or needing to be replaced quickly, and just being a bit of a tire nerd. I drive my Timberline for work purposes daily, both highway driving and off pavement on the regular. I think the Cooper Discoverer AT3 4S or the Toyo Open Country AT3 are great option for an all terrain tire. I would give serious thought to the Michelin Defender LTX MS if you do mainly highway driving, but many folks and videos show those tires doing some serious off roading as well. Most of my "off roading" is more off pavement driving for work at various constructions sites that can get a bit hairy at times. Good luck and let us know what you go with!

Really that is strange, maybe they switched due to availability. I did notice the Revo's are out of stock most places. It doesn't really matter what tires you put on a Timberline. You will never see above 24 mpg generally and most of the time it will be 21-22 mpgs. However, I can attest that the Timberline has some serious off road ability.
Reviewers also received Timberlines with the Bridgestone Dueler A/T Revo 3 on them.

If it is going off pavement or has to deal with loose pack snow, I'd consider the Cooper AT3 4S that Coose mentioned. I put a set on my '98 and so far, so good, but I wouldn't get them (or any other A/T) if the vehicle never sees anything other than cleared highway roads.

If not going off-road but still facing wintery weather, a lot of people who don't want to switch tires twice a year to run winter tires, like Michelin Crossclimate 2.
