no 4x4 switch on bezel/full time 4wd? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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no 4x4 switch on bezel/full time 4wd?


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July 14, 2009
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1997 Control trac
I have a 97 sport control trac 4wd but I was wondering if any of these models were fulltime 4wd. When I bought the vehicle, the rear wiper knob, rear defroster and fog light buttons were missing. The bezel has no knob or opening for a 4x4 switch. Is it possible that the bezel was replaced and this one did not have that opening/came from another model? I was just doing a little research before i bought the new bezel.


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easiest way is to take your bezel off and see if there's any wiring that has no plugs going to it... when you start your truck do you get the 4x4 lights light up on the dash?


The lights would mean nothing, even non 4x4 models have them...same cluster..

If you didnt have the 4X4 switch plugged in, your OD, or 4x4 lights would flash, when I started mine up to move it with that bezel off, my OD (or 4x4, cant remember which one, pretty sure it was the OD) would flash on and off, then I plugged the switch back in and it was all better.

that's what I was asking, when you start your explorer normally, the 4x4 lights light up then extinguish 1 by 1.


How would that help him find out if he has 4x4? All the clusters were the same if i remember correctly...?

I have a 97 sport control trac 4wd but I was wondering if any of these models were fulltime 4wd. When I bought the vehicle, the rear wiper knob, rear defroster and fog light buttons were missing. The bezel has no knob or opening for a 4x4 switch. Is it possible that the bezel was replaced and this one did not have that opening/came from another model? I was just doing a little research before i bought the new bezel.


There are two bezels for 2nd gen Explorers. One with the 4X4 knob and one without. The one without is for 2WD or AWD versions of the Explorer. AWD is only available on 5.0 equipped Explorers.

If you have 4WD, then someone swapped your bezel as you suspected. It's pretty easy to find the 4WD bezels on eBay.

How would that help him find out if he has 4x4? All the clusters were the same if i remember correctly...?

No they're not. AWD and 2WD are slightly different. Been there, done that....once scored a white-faced cluster for my old 4WD Explorer and it was a 2WD cluster...I now use that overlay in my AWD. I had to get a 4WD cluster after the fact. The rightmost overlay on the AWD or 2WD don't have gels for 4Hi, 4Lo etc. They're also not wired for any bulbs behind that overlay.

I would think looking for the driveshaft to the front wheels would be the easiest way to determine if the vehicle is 4WD or not.

This is my old 4WD cluster. Sort of hard to make out the 4Hi and 4Lo gels, but they're there (under the Speed Cont gel). If the 4Hi and 4Lo gels are there, you have 4WD, assuming the cluster wasn't swapped out with a 2WD cluster.


There is an aftermarket radio in there and I haven't exactly figured what plugs go to what -- any info on what the plugs look like?

Thanks again


There is an aftermarket radio in there and I haven't exactly figured what plugs go to what -- any info on what the plugs look like?

Thanks again


Not sure what plugs you're asking about, but here's a pic of an old silver bezel ('01+ Sport/Sport Trac) I used to have which will show you an intact bezel from the front, complete with all knobs/buttons. The plugs themselves are pretty obvious when you see them.


The plug has (4 wires) i belive, maybe 5, its just a rectangular plug, cant miss it if its there.
